- Kirsanoff, Dimitri
- (Marc David Kaplan / March 6, 1899, Dorpat, Russia-February II, 1957, Paris, France)He arrived in France with his family a few months after the Bolshevik Revolution. Having trained at the Ecole Normale de Musique of Paris, he became a violinist and played with the Ciné Max Linder orchestra. Seeing movies day after day, he soon fell in love with cinema. The first pictures he directed made him a major figure in avant-garde films. This lasted until the arrival of sound. From the 1930s to his last directed effort in 1957, he shot only documentaries and average motion pictures. Other credit (as uncredited co-screenwriter): 1956 L'Odyssée du Capitaine Steve / Walk Into Paradise / USA: Walk into Hell (Marcello Pagliero, Lee Robinson, France / Australia). His first wife, Nadia Sibirskaïa (Germaine Lebas, 1900-1980) starred in several of his films. His second, Monique Kirsanoff (b. 1913), was a film editor.Filmography1924 ◘ L'Ironie du Destin (also screenwriter, producer, actor)1926 ◘ Ménilmontant (short; also screenwriter, producer, cinematographer)1928 ◘ Destin (also screenwriter; shot in 1926)◘ Sables1929 ◘ Brumes d'Automne / USA: Autumn Mists (short; also screenwriter)◘ Rapt / USA: The Kidnapping◘ Les Berceaux (short)◘ Visages de France (short)◘ Jeune Fille au Jardin (short)◘ La Fontaine d'Aréthuse (short)◘ Franco de Port (also original short story, co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)◘ La plus belle Fille du Monde (also screenwriter, dialogist)◘ L'Avion de Minuit (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)◘ Quartier sans Soleil (also screenwriter, dialogist; shot in 1939)◘ Deux Amis (short)1950 ◘ Arrière Saison (short)◘ Lait divers à Paris (also producer)1951 ◘ Une Chasse à Courre (documentary; short)1953 ◘ Le Témoin de Minuit◘ Le Crâneur◘ Ce Soir les Jupons volent◘ Miss Catastrophe
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.