Kirchner, Bruno-Mario

Kirchner, Bruno-Mario
(Bruno Mario Kirchner-Demicini / 1943, Athens, Greece-)
   While studying law and the history of art at the Uni­versity of Graz, Austria, he was the pupil of painter Reno Ernst Jungel and collaborated on a theatrical review and three documentaries. In 1965, he went to France to complete his studies and soon worked as an assistant director, actor, screenwriter, editor, script supervisor, sound engineer, or technical adviser on French, Swiss, Italian, German, and Norwegian movies, including fifty feature-length films and about 100 shorts and commercials (1965-1969). In 1970, he resumed his studies and enrolled in the University of Paris VII, where he attended psychology courses. After directing two films, he settled in California and earned his living working for TV and cinema. He published short stories and three collections of poems and dedicated much of his time to painting. Having returned to Paris in 1981, he exhibited his drawings and aquarelles and won the Gold Medal at the Salon Léonard de Vinci (1984).
1969 ◘ La Fuite (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Amen sans Signe de Croix (short; also screenwriter)
1972 ◘ Le Suisse Trip (Switzerland)
1975 ◘ Le Soleil qui rit rouge (also original short story, screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; shot in 1973)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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