Klapisch, Cédric

Klapisch, Cédric
(September 4, 1961, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France - )
   After studying philosophy and cinema in Paris and having written a master about Woody Allen, he failed the IDHEC exam twice and completed his studies at New York University. From 1983 to 1985, he col­laborated as a camera operator on about twelve American shorts and made his directing debut in the USA (the three shorts he filmed in 1984).
1984 ◘ Glamour toujours (short)
        ◘ Jack le Menteur (short)
        ◘ Un, Deux, Trois, Mambo (short)
1986 ◘ In Transit (short; also screenwriter, dialogist, actor)
1989 ◘ Ce qui me meut (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)
1992 ◘ Riens du tout (also screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, actor)
        ◘ 3000 Scénarios contre un Virus (shorts; two episodes: "Poisson rouge", "La Chambre")
        ◘ Le Péril jeune (originally shot for TV; also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, actor; shot in 1993)
        ◘ Lumière et compagnie / Lumiere y compania / Lumiere and Company (co-director only; France / Spain / Denmark / Sweden)
1996 ◘ Chacun cherche son Chat / USA: When the Cat's Away (also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Un Air de Famille / USA: Family Resemblances (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, actor)
        ◘ Le Ramoneur des Lilas (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Peut-être / USA: Maybe / Perhaps (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, actor)
2002 ◘ L'Auberge espagnole / Una casa de locos / UK and Canada: Pot Luck / USA: L'Auberge espag­nole / The Spanish Apartment (also screenwriter, dialogist, delegate producer, actor; France / Spain)
        ◘ Ni pour, ni contre (bien au Contraire) / UK and USA: Not for or Against (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, delegate producer, actor)
2005 ◘ Les Poupées russes / UK and USA: The Russian Dolls (also screenwriter, dialogist, delegate producer, actor; France / UK)
2008 ◘ Paris (also screenwriter, dialogist, delegate producer)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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