Assayas, Olivier

Assayas, Olivier
(January 25, 1955, Paris, France - )
   The son of screenwriter Jacques Rémy (1910-1981), he was first a film critic writing in several magazines (1979-1981 Métal Hurlant; 1980-1985 Les Cahiers du Cinéma; 1982-1985 Rock & Folk). In 1977, he was a third assistant director to Richard Fleischer (Crossed Swords / UK: The Prince and the Pauper, UK / USA). A co-screenwriter notably for André Téchiné (1985 Rendez-vous / US video: André Téchiné's Rendez-Vous, Le Lieu du Crime / UK: Le Crime / USA: Scene of the Crime; 1998 Alice et Martin / Alice y Martin / USA: Alice and Martin, France / Spain), Laurent Perrin (1981 Scopitone, short; 1985 Passage secret), Jérôme Diamant-Berger (1986 L'Unique / USA: The Original), and Liria Bégéja (1987 Avril brisé), he directed his first short in 1979. He authored several books published by Les Cahiers du Cinéma, including Eloge de Kenneth Anger (1999), Conversation avec Bergman (2004), and Une Adolescence dans l'après-Mai: Lettre à Alice Debord (2005). He was formerly married to actress Maggie Cheung (1998-2001).
        ◘ Copyright (short)
        ◘ Rectangle—Deux Chansons de Jacno (short)
1982 ◘ Laissé inachevé à Tokyo (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)
1984 ◘ Winston Tong en Studio (documentary; short)
1986 ◘ Désordre (also screenwriter, dialogist)
1989 ◘ L'Enfant de l'Hiver / USA: Winter's Child (also screenwriter, dialogist)
1991 ◘ Paris s'éveille / Contro il destino (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Italy)
1993 ◘ Une Nouvelle Vie / USA: A New Life (also screenwriter, dialogist)
1994 ◘ L'Eau froide (also screenwriter, dialogist; originally shot for TV under the title La Page blanche)
1996 ◘ Irma Vep (also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Fin Août, Début Septembre / USA: Late August, Early September (also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Les Destinées sentimentales / USA: Les Destinées (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Switzerland)
2002 ◘ Demonlover (also screenwriter, dialogist)
2004 ◘ Clean (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Canada / UK)
2006 ◘ Paris, je t'aime (segment "Quartier des Enfants rouges")
        ◘ Noise (documentary)
        ◘ Boarding Gate (also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Chacun son Cinéma ou Ce Petit Coup au Coeur quand la Lumière s'éteint et que le Film commence (segment "Recrudescence"; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Heure d'Eté (also screenwriter, dialogist)
 Television Filmography
1997 ◘ Cinéma de notre Temps (documentary; episode "HHH—Un Portrait de Hou Hsiao-Hsien"; also screenwriter; France / Taiwan)
2008 ◘ Eldorado / Preljocaj: Eldorado (documentary)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Assayas, Olivier — (1955 )    Actor, critic, director, and screen writer. Olivier Assayas is the son of director Jacques Rémy, so Assayas was born into film, in a manner of speaking. He began his career making short films, such as Copyright (1979), Rectangle (1979) …   Guide to cinema

  • Assayas, Olivier — (1955 )    Actor, critic, director, and screen writer. Olivier Assayas is the son of director Jacques Rémy, so Assayas was born into film, in a manner of speaking. He began his career making short films, such as Copyright (1979), Rectangle (1979) …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

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