Pinoteau, Claude

Pinoteau, Claude
(May 25, 1925, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France - )
   The son of location manager Lucien Pinoteau (1887-1963), he made his film debut as an actor at age fourteen (1939 La Fin du Jour / UK: The End of a Day / USA: The End of the Day, Julien Duvivier). Then he was successively an assistant location manager (1945 Untel Père et Fils / UK: The Heart of a Nation / USA: Immortal France, Julien Duvivier, shot in 1940), trainee location manager (1941 Histoire de rire / USA: Foolish Husbands, Marcel L'Herbier; Premier Bal, Christian-Jaque; 1943 L'Honorable Catherine / USA: The Honorable Catherine, Marcel L'Herbier, Jacques de Baroncelli), props assistant (1943 Le Baron Fantôme / UK: The Phantom Baron, Serge de Poligny; Adémai Bandit d'Honneur, Gilles Grangier; L'Escalier sans Fin, Georges Lacombe; 1944 L'Aventure est au Coin de la Rue, Jacques Daniel-Norman; Graine au Vent, Maurice Gleize; 1945 La Fiancée des Ténèbres, Serge de Poli-gny; Le Cavalier noir, Gilles Grangier; Farandole, André Zwoboda), set designer (1946 L'Homme au Chapeau rond / USA: The Eternal Husband, Pierre Billon; Martin Roumagnac / USA: The Room Upstairs, Georges La­combe; 1947 Miroir, Raymond Lamy; 1948 Le Voleur se porte bien, Jean Loubignac, shot in 1946; L'Aigle à deux Têtes / UK: The Eagle Has Two Heads / USA: The Eagle with Two Heads, Jean Cocteau; Bagarres / USA: Wench, Henri Calef), production manager (1947 Pa­nique / USA: Panic, Julien Duvivier), assistant director (1948 Les Parents terribles / UK and USA: The Storm Within, Jean Cocteau; 1949 Ainsi finit la Nuit / UK and USA: Thus Finishes the Night, Emile Edwin Reinert; Bal Cupidon, Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, with the collabora­tion of Hervé Bromberger; Le Roi / USA: A Royal Affair, Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, with the collaboration of Hervé Bromberger, 1950 Les Enfants terribles / UK and USA: The Strange Ones, Jean-Pierre Melville; 1950 Ma Pomme / USA: Just Me, Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon; L'Homme de Joie, Gilles Grangier; 1951 L'Amant de Paille, Gilles Grangier; Olivia / USA: The Pit of Loneli­ness, Jacqueline Audry; Ils étaient Cinq, Jack Pinoteau; 1952 Jocelyn, Jacques de Casembroot; Plume au Vent / Pluma al viento, Louis Cuny, France / Spain; 1953 Les Compagnes de la Nuit / USA: Companions of the Night, Ralph Habib; 1954 Secrets d'Alcôve / Il letto / USA: The Bed, segment "Riviera-Express", Ralph Habib, France / Italy; Le Grand Pavois, Jack Pinoteau; Les Ecoles de l'Air, short, Jack Pinoteau; Montmartre nocturne, documentary, short, Jean-Claude Bernard; Anatole chéri, Claude Heymann, shot in 1951; 1955 Les Amants du Tage / UK: The Lovers of Lisbon / USA: Lover's Net, Henri Verneuil; Lola Montès / Lola Montez / UK: The Fall of Lola Montes / USA: The Sins of Lola Montes, Max Ophuls, also uncredited actor, France / West Germany; Les Hommes en blanc / UK: Men in White / USA: Doctors, Ralph Habib; 1956 La Loi des Rues / USA: Law of the Streets, Ralph Habib; La Châtelaine Du Liban / La castellana del Libano / USA: The Lebanese Mission / US TV: Desert Detour, Richard Pottier, France / Italy; Club de Femmes / Club di ragazze, France / Italy, Ralph Habib; L'Homme et l'Enfant / Creature del male / USA: Man and Child, Raoul André, France / Italy; 1957 Jusqu'au dernier / Fino all'ultimo, Pierre Billon, France / Italy; L'Ami de la Famille, Jack Pinoteau; Esca­pade, Ralph Habib; Le Triporteur, Jack Pinoteau; 1958 Le Passager clandestin / The Stowaway, Ralph Habib, Lee Robinson, France / Australia; 1959 L'Ambitieuse / UK: The Dispossessed / USA: The Ambitious One / The Restless and the Damned / US TV: The Climbers, Yves Allégret, France / Italy / Australia; 1959 Houla-Houla, Robert Darène; 1960 Robinson et le Triporteur / Hola Robinson! / USA: Monsieur Robinson Crusoe, Jack Pino-teau, France / Spain; 1962 Un Singe en Hiver / UK: It's Hot in Hell / USA: A Monkey in Winter, Henri Verneuil; 1963 Mélodie en Sous-Sol / Colpo grosso al casino / UK: Anyone Can Win / The Big Snatch / USA: Any Number Can Win, Henri Verneuil, France / Italy; Le Jour et l'Heure / Il giorno e l'ora / UK: Today We Live / USA: The Day and the Hour, René Clément, France / Italy; Peau de Banane / Buccia di banana / USA: Banana Peel, Marcel Ophuls, France / Italy; 1964 Cent Mille Dol­lars au Soleil / Centomila dollari al sole / UK and USA: Greed in the Sun, Henri Verneuil, France / Italy; 1965 Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine / L'uomo di Hong Kong / UK: Up to His Ears / USA: Chinese Adventures in China, Philippe de Broca, France / Italy; 1967 La Vingt-cinquième Heure / La venticinquesima ora / UK and USA: The 25th Hour, Henri Verneuil, France / Italy / Yugoslavia; 1968 La Bataille de San Sébastian / I cannoni di San Sebastian / Los canones de San Sebastian / USA: Guns for San Sebastian, Henri Verneuil, France / Italy / Mexico; 1969 La Vie, l'Amour, la Mort / La vita, l'amore, la morte / USA: Life Love Death, also co-adapter, co-dialogist, France / Italy; L'Arbre de Noël / L'albero di Natale / USA: The Christmas Tree / US TV: When Wolves Cry, Terence Young, France / Italy; Un Homme qui me plaît / Un tipo che mi piace / UK: A Man I Like / USA: Love Is a Funny Thing, Claude Lelouch, also co-screenwriter, France / Italy; Le Voyou / VoyouLa ca-naglia / UK: Simon the Swiss / USA: The Crook, Claude Lelouch, also co-adapter, France / Italy; 1971 Smic Smac Smoc, Claude Lelouch; Bonaparte et la Révolu­tion, Abel Gance, also actor in additional scenes; 1972 L'aventure c'est l'Aventure / L'avventura è l'awentura / UK and USA: Money Money Money, Claude Lelouch, France / Italy), technical adviser (1950 Orphée / USA: Orpheus, also assistant director, Jean Cocteau; 1951 Présentation de la Beauce à Notre-Dame de Chartres, documentary, short, Jacques Berthier; 1960 Le Testa­ment d'Orphée ou Ne me demandez pas pourquoi / Le Testament d'Orphée / USA: The Testament of Orpheus, Jean Cocteau), co-director (1961 Tout l'Or du Monde / Tutto l'oro del mondo, René Clair, France / Italy; 1965 Les Fêtes galantes / Serbarile galante, René Clair, France / Romania), and delegate producer (1969 Le Maître du Temps, Jean-Daniel Pollet; 1971 Ça n'arrive qu'aux Autres / Tempo d'amore / USA: It Only Happens to Others, Nadine Trintignant, France / Italy; 2000 La Bicyclette bleue / USA: The Blue Bicycle, 3 X 90', Thierry Binisti). He authored two autobiographical books (2003 Derrière la Caméra.. . avec Jean Cocteau: Entretiens avec Monique Bourdin, Horizon Illimité; 2005 Merci la Vie! Aventures cinématographiques, Le Cherche-Midi Editeur, reedited in 2007 by Ramsay). He is the brother of director Jack Pinoteau (b. 1923) and actress Arlette Merry (b. 1918).
1960 Manureva (short)
1968 L'Enfant seul (short; also screenwriter)
1970 L'Arrêt (short)
         Iran (documentary; short)
         Le Silencieux / L'uomo che non seppe tacere / UK: Escape from Nowhere / USA: The Silent One / US TV: The Great Manhunt (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)
         La Gifle / Lo schiaffo / UK and USA: The Slap (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
1976 Le Grand Escogriffe / Il genio (also co-screenwriter; France / Italy)
         L'Homme en Colère / Jigsaw / USA: The Angry Man (also co-screenwriter; France / Canada)
         La Boum / USA: The Party (also co-screenwriter)
1982 La Boum 2 (also co-screenwriter)
1984 La 7e Cible (also co-screenwriter)
1988 L'Etudiante (also co-screenwriter)
1991 La Neige et le Feu (also co-screenwriter)
1994 Cache Cash (also co-screenwriter)
1997 Les Palmes de M. Schutz (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
2005 L'Abbé Pierre, une Vie pour les Autres (documentary)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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