Pérez, Vincent

Pérez, Vincent
(Vincente Pérez / June 10, 1964, Lausanne, Switzerland-)
   Swiss born to a Spanish father and a German mother, he dropped out of high school at age fifteen to be­come an apprentice photographer. Initiated into art by painter Pierre Gisling, he joined the Paris Con­servatory at age eighteen. He completed his training with Patrice Chéreau at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. From 1986 (Gardien de la nuit, Jean-Pierre Limosin) to 2008 (Inhale, Baltasar Kormâkur, USA), he played second lead and leading roles in more than forty movies, including several US productions (1996 The Crow, Tim Pope; 1997 Swept from the Sea / UK: Amy Foster, Beeban Kidron, USA / UK; 1998 The Treat, Jonathan Gems; 2000 I Dreamed of Africa, Hugh Hudson; 2002 Queen of the Damned, Michael Rymer, USA / Australia).
1992 ◘ L'Echange (short; co-director with Régis Warg-nier; also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Rien à dire (short)
        ◘ Scénarios sur la Drogue (episode "Hier, tu m'as dit Demain")
2002 ◘ Peau d'Ange (also co-screenwriter)
2007 ◘ Si j'étais toi / UK and USA: The Secret

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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