Pérès, Uzi

Pérès, Uzi
(Uziel Peres, February 21, 1951, Ge­neva, Switzerland-1992, Kathmandu, Nepal)
   The nephew of former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres (b. 1923), he studied cinema at Tel Aviv Univer­sity and then at the University of Paris III in 1974 and started as an assistant editor (1976 La Fête sauvage, documentary, Frédéric Rossif; 1977 L'Opéra sauvage, Frédéric Rossif). He died in a plane crash in Nepal.
        ◘ L'Attente (short)
        ◘ Choisir (short)
        ◘ Cathédrales (short)
        ◘ Sans Draps (short)
        ◘ Jeux de Mains (short)
        ◘ Pareil pas Pareil (France / Israel)
        ◘ L'Artiste (also co-screenwriter; France / Israel)
1980 ◘ L'Amour Mensonge (also co-screenwriter; France / Israel)
        ◘ L'Ombre d'un Jeu (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)
        ◘ Ahava Rishonah / First Love (also screenwriter; Israel)
        ◘ Ani Vehami'ahav Shel Ishti / Love Without Pity Is Cruel (also screenwriter; Israel)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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