Habib, Ralph

Habib, Ralph
(Raphaël Habib / June 29, 1912, Paris, France - June 19, 1969, Paris, France)
   He entered films in 1933 as a stage coordinator at Pathé Studios. He was a co-editor (1945 Fausse Alerte / USA: The French Way, Jacques de Baroncelli, shot in 1940), technical director (1947 Panique / USA: Panic, Julien Duvivier), production manager (1947 Contre-Enquête / USA: Counter Investigation, Jean Faurez; 1948 Neuf Garçons, un Cœur, Georges Freedland; Si Jeunesse savait, André Cerf), and assistant director (1950 La Belle que voilà, Jean-Paul Le Chanois; Le Grand Rendez-vous, Jean Dréville) before directing his first feature film in 1951. In 1959, he supervised J'irai cracher sur vos Tombes / USA: I Spit on Your Grave (Michel Gast).
        ◘ Rue des Saussaies
        ◘ La Forêt de l'Adieu
1954 ◘ Les Compagnes de la Nuit / USA: Companions of the Night
        ◘ La Rage au Corps / USA: Tempest in the Flesh Crainquebille
        ◘ Secrets d'Alcôve / Il letto / USA: The Bed (segment "Riviera Express"; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les Hommes en blanc / UK: Men in White / USA: Doctors
        ◘ La Loi des Rues / USA: Law of the Streets (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Club de Femmes / Club di ragazze (also co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Escapade
        ◘ Le Passager clandestin / The Stowaway (also co-adapter; France / Australia)
        ◘ Geheimakten schwarze Kapelle / R.P.Z. appelle Berlin / I sicari di Hitler / USA: The Black Chapel (France / West Germany / Italy)
1960 ◘ Au Voleur! / Affàre Nabob (France / West Germany)
        ◘ Le Solitaire passe à l'Attaque / El Solitario pasa al ataque (France / Spain)
        ◘ Pension Clausewitz / Haus der Erotik (West Germany)
 Television Filmography
1970 ◘ Un Taxi dans les Nuages (13 X 26')

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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