Goldenberg, Daniel

Goldenberg, Daniel
(August 28, 1931, Paris, France - )
   Having trained as an actor at the Centre Dramatique de la Rue Blanche and then with Tania Balachova, he made his stage debut at the Centre dramatique de l'Ouest under the direction of Hubert Gignoux. He played in a few films (1957 The Vintage, Jeffrey Hayden, USA; 1960 La Famille Fenouillard, uncredited, Yves Robert; 1962 Carillons sans Joie / Vento caldo di battaglia, Charles Brabant, France / Italy; The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Vincente Minnelli, USA; 1978 La Belle Emmerdeuse / On peut le dire sans se fâcher, Roger Coggio; La Tortue sur le Dos / USA: Like a Turtle on Its Back, Luc Béraud). A very in-demand film screenwriter (1988 Baby Blues, as screenwriter, dialogist, Daniel Moosmann; 1991 Blanval, as co-screenwriter, dialogist, Michel Mees, Belgium; 1997 La terza luna, as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, Matteo Bellinelli, Switzerland / Italy / France) and TV screenwriter (1978 Marthe, 19Ans en 18, as screenwriter, dialogist, Roger Kahane; 1979 L'Etrange Monsieur Duvallier, as co-screenwriter, 12 X 60', Victor Vicas; Le Jeune vert as co-screenwriter, Roger Pigaut; 1980 Kick, Raoul, la Moto, les Jeunes et les Autres, as co-screenwriter, Marc Simenon; Papa Poule, as screenwriter, dialogist, 12 X 60', Roger Kahane; 1984 LAge vermeil as screenwriter, dialogist, 6 X 60', Roger Kahane; 1986 Le Véto, as screenwriter, 6 X 60', Daniel Moosmann; 1988 Le Retour d'Arsène LupinF as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, episode "Un Savant bien tranquille", Michel Boisrond; 1990 Renseignements généraux, as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, episode "Jeux dangereux"; 1991 Talkie-WalkieF as screenwriter, dialogist, 6 X 60', Daniel Moosmann; Renseignements généraux, as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, episodes "Simon mène l'Enquête", "Bêtes et Méchants"; 1992 Imogène, as screenwriter, dialogist, episode "Imogène dégaine", Thierry Chabert; 1993 Ma Petite Mimi, as co-screenwriter, Roger Kahane; J'aime pas qu'on m'aime, as author of original novel, screenwriter, adapter, dialogist, Stéphane Kurc; 1996 ImogèneF as screenwriter, dialogist, episode "Imogène contre-espionne", Paul Vecchiali; 1997 Belle comme CrésusF as co-dialogist, Jean-François Villemer; 2005 Le Triporteur de Belleville, as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, also author of original novel, 2 X 90', Stéphane Kurc). Other credit (as author of original novel): 2004 Le Grand Rôle (Steve Suissa).
1959 ◘ Le Retour (short)
1971 ◘ Le Portrait de Marianne (also screenwriter, dialogist; shot in 1969)
 Television Filmography
1967 ◘ L'Ane Culotte (13 X 26'; also co-screenwriter)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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