Godard, Jean-Luc

Godard, Jean-Luc
(December 3, 1930, Paris, France - )
   Born into a Protestant upper-middle-class family (his father was a doctor and his mother a banker's daugh­ter), he grew up in Switzerland and began his second­ary studies in Nyons. He completed them in Paris. Hav­ing graduated with a diploma in ethnology, he spent a lot of his time at the French Cinematheque, where he befriended Jacques Rivette, Eric Rohmer, and François Truffaut. He co-founded a monthly film review, La Ga­zette du Cinéma, which died in November 1950 after five issues. In January 1952, he became a film critic at Les Cahiers du Cinéma. He worked as a press attaché for Fox and an editor of documentaries for Salle Pleyel. He was producer (1956 La Sonate à Kreutzer / UK and USA: The Kreutzer Sonata, short, Eric Rohmer) and directed his first short. He played small parts in many shorts and feature films (1950 QuadrilleF medium-length, also producer, Jacques Rivette; 1952 Le Divertissement, short, also producer, Jacques Rivette; 1956 Le Coup du Berger / USA: Fool's MateF short, Jacques Rivette; 1960 Présentation ou Charlotte et son Steak / USA: Presentation, Or Charlotte and Her Steak, short, Eric Rohmer, shot in 1951; Petit Jou^ short, Jackie Pierre; Paris nous appartient / UK: Paris Is Ours / USA: Paris Belongs to Us, Jacques Rivette; 1962 Le Signe du Lion / UK and USA: The Sign of Leo, Eric Rohmer; Cléo de 5 à 7 / Cleo dalle 5 alle 7 / USA: Cleo from 5 to 7, Agnès Varda, France / Italy, ap­pearing in a short, Les Fiancés du Pont Mac Donald (ou Méfiez-vous des Lunettes nores)F included in the movie; Le Soleil dans l'œiL Jacques Bourdon; 1963 Shéhérazade / La schiava di Bagdad / Scherezade / USA: Scheherazade, Pierre Gaspard-Huit, France / Italy / Spain; Bardot et Godard / Le Parti des Choses: Bardot et Godard / Le Parti des Choses, documentary, short, as himself, Jacques Ro-zier; Paparazzi, documentary, short, as himself, Jacques Rozier; Begegnung mit Fritz Lang, documentary, short, as himself, Peter Fleischmann, West Germany; 1965 Tentazioni proibiteF documentary, Osvaldo Civirani, Italy; 1966 L'Espion / USA: The Defector Raoul J. Lévy, France / West Germany; 1968 Two American Audiences: Godard on Godard, Mark Woodcock; 1969 Ciné-Girl, Francis Le-roi; 1975 Né, Jacques Richard; 1978 Der kleine Godard an das kuratorium junger deutscher Film, documentary, as himself, Helmuth Costard, West Germany; 1981 Re­porters, documentary, as himself, Raymond Depardon; 1982 Chambre 666, documentary, short, Wim Wenders; 1984 CinématonF documentary, short, as himself, Gérard Courant; 1997 Nous sommes tous encore ici, Anne-Ma­rie Miéville; 2000 Après la Réconciliation, Anne-Marie Miéville; 2001 Léaud l'UniqueF documentary, as himself, Serge Le Péron). He appeared as himself in several TV documentaries, including 1964 Cinéastes de notre Temps (episode "La Nouvelle Vague par elle-même", André S. Labarthe, Robert Valey); 1965 Cinéastes de notre Temps (episode "Jean-Luc Godard ou Le Cinéma au Défi"); 1967 Le Dinosaure et le Bébé: Dialogue en Huit Parties entre Fritz Lang et Jean-Luc Godard (André S. Labarthe). Other credits (as delegate producer): 1994 Lou n'a pas dit non (Anne-Marie Miéville); (as produc­tion supervisor): 1997 Twilight of the ice Nymphs (Guy Maddin, USA). Book: 1986 Godard par Godard (Cahiers du Cinéma).
        ◘ Opération Béton (documentary; short; also screenwriter, author of commentary, narrator, editor; Switzerland)
        ◘ Une Femme coquette (short; as Hans Lucas, also screenwriter, cinematographer, actor, editor)
        ◘ Charlotte et Véronique ou Tous les Garçons s'appellent Patrick / UK and USA: All the Boys Are Called Patrick (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ A Bout de Souffle / UK: By a Tether / UK and USA: Breathless (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor)
        ◘ Charlotte et son Jules / UK: Charlotte and Her Boyfriend / USA: Charlotte and Her Jules (short; also screenwriter, editor, actor)
1961 ◘ Une Histoire d'Eau / UK and USA: A Story of Water (short; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, actor, editor)
        ◘ Une Femme est une Femme / La donna è donna / USA: A Woman Is a Woman (also screenwriter, dialogist, lyricist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les Sept Péchés capitaux / I sette peccati capitali / UK: The Seven Capital Sins / USA: The Seven Deadly Sins (segment "La Paresse" / "Laziness"; also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Vivre sa Vie / Vivre sa Vie: Film en Douze Tableaux / UK: It's My Life / USA: My Life to Live (also story, screenwriter, dialogist, voice, editor; France / Italy)
        ◘ Le Petit Soldat / UK and USA: The Little Soldier (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor; shot in 1960)
        ◘ Ro.Go.Pa.G / Rogopag / UK and USA: Let's Have a Brainwash (segment "Le Nouveau Monde" / "Il nuovo mondo"; also screenwriter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les Carabiniers / UK: The Soldiers (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Le Mépris / Il disprezzo / USA: Contempt (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les plus belles Escroqueries du Monde / Le più belle truffe del mondo / De Wereld wil bedrogen worden (segment "Le Grand Escroc"; also screenwriter, dialogist, actor, narrator; cut from final version; France / Italy / Japan / Netherlands)
1964 ◘ Reportage sur Orly (documentary; short)
        ◘ Bande à Part / UK: The Outsiders / USA: Band of Outsiders (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist, narrator)
        ◘ Une Femme mariée / Une Femme mariée: Suite de Fragments d'un Film tourné en 1964 / UK and USA: A Married Woman (also screenwriter, dialogist)
1965 ◘ Paris vu par . . . / UK and USA: Six in Paris (episode "Montparnasse-Levallois"; also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
        ◘ Alphaville / Alphaville, une étrange Aventure de Lemmy Caution / Agente Lemmy Caution, mis-sione Alphaville / USA: Alphaville, a Strange Ad­venture of Lemmy Caution / Alphaville, a Strange Case of Lemmy Caution / Dick Tracy on Mars (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Pierrot le Fou / Il bandito delle ore undici / Il bandito delle undici / UK: Crazy Pete / Pierrot Goes Wild / UK and USA: Pierrot le Fou (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Italy)
1966 ◘ Masculin, Féminin / Maskulinum-femininum / UK and USA: Masculine-Feminine (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; France / Sweden)
1967 ◘ Made in U.S.A. (also screenwriter, dialogist, voice)
        ◘ Deux ou Trois Choses que je sais d'elle / UK and USA: Two or Three Things I Know About Her (also screenwriter, dialogist, author of com­mentary, voice)
        ◘ Le plus vieux Métier du Monde / L'amore at-traverso i secoli / Das àlteste Gewerbe der Welt / UK: The Oldest Profession in the World / USA: The Oldest Profession (segment "Anticipation"; France / Italy / West Germany)
        ◘ La Chinoise (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
        ◘ Week-End / Week-End, un uomo e una donna dal sabato alla domenica / USA: Weekend (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Foin du Vietnam / USA: Far from Vietnam (segment "Camera-Eye"; also screenwriter, author of commentary, actor)
1968 ◘ Un Film comme les Autres / Le Joli Mois de Mai (short; also screenwriter, cinematographer, editor)
        ◘ Cinétracts (documentary; shorts; segments "14", "16", "23"; also cinematographer)
        ◘ One American Movie (documentary; also screenwriter; unfinished)
1969 ◘ Amore e rabbia / Vangelo '70 / La Contestation / Evangile 70 / UK and USA: Love and Anger (segment "L'amore" / "L'Amour"; also screenwriter, dialogist; Italy / France)
        ◘ Le Gai savoir / Die frôhliche Wissenschaft / UK and USA: Joy of Learning / Joyful Wisdom / The Joy of Knowledge (also screenwriter; France /
        ◘ West Germany; shot in 1967-1968)
        ◘ Fravda / Prawda (co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin and Group Dziga Vertov; also co-screenwriter, voice, editor; France / West Germany; unreleased)
1970 ◘ One plus One / Sympathy for the Devil (also screenwriter; UK; shot in 1968)
        ◘ Vladimir et Rosa / Wladimir und Rosa / UK and USA: Vladimir and Rosa (co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin and Group Dziga Vertov; also screenwriter, cinematographer, actor, editor; France / West Germany)
        ◘ British Sounds / USA: See You at Mao (documentary; co-director with Jean-Henri Roger; also screenwriter; UK)
        ◘ Le Vent d'Est / Vento dell'Est / Ostwind / UK and USA: East Wind / Wind from the East (co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin;also screenwriter, editor; France / Italy / West Germany)
        ◘ Fusqu'à la Victoire (documentary; co-director with Group Dziga Vertov)
        ◘ Lotte in italia / Luttes en Italie / UK: Struggle in Italy (co-director with Group Dziga Vertov; also co-screenwriter, editor; shot in 1969; Italy / France)
        ◘ One P.M. / One A.M. / One American movie / One P.M. / One Parallel Movie / USA: One P.M. / One Pennebaker Movie (documentary; co-director with D. A. Pennebaker; also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Tout va bien / Crepa padrone, tutto va bene / UK: Just Great / USA: All's Well (co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin; also co-screenwriter, composer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Letter to Jane: An Investigation About a Still (documentary; medium-length; co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin; also co-screenwriter, producer, narrator)
1975 ◘ Numéro Deux / UK and USA: Number Two (co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; also co-screenwriter, actor)
1976 ◘ Ici et ailleurs (documentary; co-director with Jean-Pierre Gorin, Anne-Marie Miéville, Group Dziga Vertov; also screenwriter, producer)
1978 ◘ Comment ça va? (co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; also co-screenwriter, producer; shot in 1975)
        ◘ Scénario de "Sauve qui peut la Vie" (documentary; short)
        ◘ Sauve qui peut (La Vie) / Rette sich, wer kann (das Leben) / UK: Slow Motion / USA: Every Man for Himself (also co-screenwriter, delegate producer, editor; France / Austria / West Germany / Switzerland)
        ◘ Lettre à Freddy Buache / USA: A Letter to Freddy Buache (documentary; short; also screenwriter, actor as himself, editor)
        ◘ Passion / USA: Godard's Passion (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, editor; France / Switzerland)
        ◘ Scénario du Film "Passion" (documentary; short; also actor, narrator)
        ◘ Changer d'Images (documentary; short)
        ◘ Petites Notes à propos du Film "Je vous salue Marie" (documentary; short; also actor)
        ◘ Prénom Carmen / USA: First Name: Carmen (also screenwriter, dialogist, editor; France / Switzerland; shot in 1982)
1985 ◘ Je vous salue, Marie / USA: Hail Mary (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Switzerland / UK; shot in 1983)
        ◘ Détective (also co-adapter, producer; France / Switzerland)
1986 ◘ Meetin' WA / J.L.G. Meets W.A. / USA: Meeting Woody Allen (documentary; short; also actor as himself, editor)
        ◘ Soft and Hard / Soft Conversation on Hard Sub­jects (medium-length; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; also screenwriter, actor as himself; France / UK)
1987 ◘ Soigne ta Droite / UK and USA: Keep Your Right Up (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor, editor; France / Switzerland)
        ◘ Aria (segment Armide; also editor; UK)
1988 ◘ On s'est tous défilé (short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ King Lear (also co-screenwriter, actor, editor; USA)
        ◘ Puissance de la Parole (short; also screenwriter, dialogist, editor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Toutes les Histoires (video documentary; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ Le Rapport Darty (medium-length; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; also actor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Une Histoire seule (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ Nouvelle Vague / UK and USA: New Wave (also screenwriter, editor; France / Switzerland)
1991 ◘ Contre l'Oubli / Ecrire contre l'Oubli / Against Oblivion / Lest We Forget (documentary; segment "Pour Thomas Wainggai, Indonésie"; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville)
        ◘ Allemagne Année 90 Neuf Zéro / USA: Germany Year 90 Nine Zero (also screenwriter, editor)
1993 ◘ Les Enfants jouent à la Russie (documentary; also screenwriter, actor, editor)
        ◘ Je vous salue, Sarajevo (video short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Hélas pour moi / UK and USA: Alas for Me / Oh, Woe Is Me (also screenwriter, editor; France / Switzerland)
        ◘ Comment vont les Enfants / USA: How Are the Kids? (segment "L'Enfance de l'Art"; France / Switzerland / USA / Colombia / Niger / Philippines / Russia)
1995 ◘ 2 X 50 Ans de Cinéma français / USA: 2 X 50 Years of French Cinema (documentary; medium-length; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville)
        ◘ LLG / JLG—Autoportrait de Décembre (documentary; also screenwriter, producer, actor as himself, editor)
        ◘ Forever Mozart (also screenwriter, editor; France / Switzerland)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Fatale Beauté (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, actor as himself, editor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Seul le Cinéma (video documentary; short; also screenwriter)
1998 ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Les Signes parmi nous (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: La Monnaie de l'Absolu (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Le Contrôle de l'Univers (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ Histoire(s) du Cinéma: Une Vague nouvelle (video documentary; short; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ The Old Place (documentary; medium-length; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; France / USA)
        ◘ L'Origine du XXIème siècle (documentary; short; also screenwriter, narrator)
        ◘ Eloge de l'Amour / UK and USA: In Praise of Love (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Switzerland; shot in 1999-2000)
2002 ◘ Liberté et Patrie (video documentary; short; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville; also co-screenwriter, editor; Switzerland)
        ◘ Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (segment "Dans le Noir du Temps"; UK / Germany / France)
2004 ◘ Moments choisis des Histoire(s) du Cinéma (documentary; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Notre Musique / USA: Our Music (also screenwriter, actor; France / Switzerland)
2006 ◘ Vrai faux Passeport (documentary; also screenwriter)
 Television Filmography
        ◘ Six Fois Deux / Sur et sous la Communication (documentary; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville)
        ◘ France / Tour / Détour / Deux / Enfants (documentary; co-director with Anne-Marie Miéville)
1986 ◘ Série noire (episode "Grandeur et Décadence d'un petit Commerce de Cinéma")
1988 ◘ Les Français vus par / UK: The French as Seen by ... / US DVD: The Cowboy and the Frenchman (episode "Le Dernier Mot"; also co-screenwriter)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Godard, Jean-Luc — born Dec. 3, 1930, Paris, France French film director. He wrote film criticism for the influential journal Cahiers du cinéma before impressing audiences with his first feature film, the improvisatory and original Breathless (1960), which… …   Universalium

  • Godard, Jean-Luc — (1930 )    Director and screenwriter. Jean Luc Godard was born in Paris and spent his childhood in Switzerland before returning to Paris to attend lycée. In 1940, when Germany initially defeated France, he obtained Swiss citizenship and returned… …   Guide to cinema

  • Godard, Jean-Luc — (1930 )    Director and screenwriter. Jean Luc Godard was born in Paris and spent his childhood in Switzerland before returning to Paris to attend lycée. In 1940, when Germany initially defeated France, he obtained Swiss citizenship and returned… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Godard, Jean Luc — • ГОДА Р (Godard) Жан Люк (р. 3.12.1930)    франц. режиссёр, сценарист. Один из ведущих представителей новой волны . По образованию этнограф. Работал монтажёром, выступал как кинокритик в ж. Cahiers du cinema . В 50 е гг. пост. неск. к/м ф. В… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Godard, Jean-Luc — (1930 )    film director    Born in Paris, Jean Luc Godard is considered the most innovative and influential figure of the Nouvelle Vague (New Wave) movement in French cinema. of bourgeois background, Godard attended the university of Paris and… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Godard,Jean Luc — Go·dard (gō därʹ), Jean Luc. Born 1930. French filmmaker who became known for his innovative cinematic and narrative technique with Breathless (1959) and made many other films chronicling the evolution of his political radicalism. * * * …   Universalium

  • Godard, Jean-Luc — ► (n. 1930) Director cinematográfico francés. Una de las más fuertes personalidades de la nouvelle vague. Fue crítico en La Gazette du Cinéma, con el seudónimo de Hans Lucas, y en Cahiers du Cinéma. Premiado en los festivales de Berlín y de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Godard, Jean-Luc —  (1930–) French film director …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Jean-luc godard — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Godard. Jean Luc Godard J …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jean Luc Godard — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Godard. Jean Luc Godard J …   Wikipédia en Français

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