Girod, Francis

Girod, Francis
(October 9, 1944, Semblançay, Indre-et-Loire, France - November 19, 2006, Bor­deaux, Gironde, France)
   He entered films as an assistant director (1962 Les Culottes rouges, Alex Joffé; 1963 Ballade pour un Voyou, Claude-Jean Bonnardot; Les Vierges / Le vergini, Jean-Pierre Mocky, France / Italy; 1964 Les Amoureux du "France" / Il gioco degli innamorati, Pierre Grimblat, François Reichenbach, France / Italy; La Bonne Soupe / La pappa reale / USA: Careless Love, Robert Thomas, France / Italy; La Ronde / La ronda del piacere / USA: Circle of Love, Roger Vadim, France / Italy; 1965 Cent Briques et des Tuiles / Colpo grosso a parigi / USA: How Not to Rob a Department Store, Pierre Grimblat, France / Italy; 1966 La Curée / La calda preda / UK: Tears of Rapture / UK and USA: The Game Is Over, Roger Vadim, France / Italy; 1967 L'HorizonF also producer, actor, Jacques Rouffio; Fai in fretta ad uccidermi . . . ho freddo! / Tue-moi vite j'ai froidF Francesco Maselli, Italy / France). From 1964 to 1967, he was a journalist for Le Nouvel Observateur and various ORTF (French TV) programs (Les Femmes aussi; Périscope; Dim Dam Dom; En toutes Lettres). He also played small parts in films (1968 Les Gauloises bleues, Michel Cournot; Les Idoles, Marc'O; 1969 Pierre et Paul, René Allio; Le Voleur de Crimes / Il ladro di crimini, Nadine Trintignant, France / Italy; 1971 Léa l'Hiver, also producer, Marc Monnet, 1973 L'Italien des Roses, Charles Matton, shot in 1971; 1974 Erica Minor, Bertrand Van Effenterre, Switzerland / France; 1975 Le Jeu avec le Feu / Giochi di fuoco, Alain Robbe-Grillet, France / Italy; 1986 Mon Beau-Frère a tué ma SoeurF Jacques Rouffio; 1987 Saxo, Ariel Zeïtoun; 1989 ZanzibarF Christine Pascal; 1992 L 627, Bertrand Tav-ernier; 1993 Mensonge, François Margolin; 1999 Calino Maneige, Jean-Patrick Lebel, shot in 1996) and TV movies (1987 Les Idiots, Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe; 1988 Sueurs froides, episode "Louis-Charles, mon Amour", Régis Wargnier) and worked as a co-adapter and pro­duction manager (1969 Slogan, Pierre Grimblat, France / Italy), co-screenwriter (1969 Sirokko / Sirocco d'Hiver / UK and USA: Winter WindF Miklôs Jancsô, Hungary / France), and producer (1972 Beau Masque, Bernard Paul, France / Italy; 1974 Dites-le avec des Fleurs / Diselo con flores, Pierre Grimblat, France / Spain; Juliette et Juliette / Juliette e Juliette, Remo Forlani, France / Italy; La République est morte à Dien Bien Phu, documentary, Jérôme Kanapa, Jean Lacouture; 1975 Sept Morts sur Ordonnance / Quartett bestial / Siete muertes por prescripciôn facultativa / UK and USA: Bestial Quartet Jacques Rouffio, France / West Germany / Spain). Books: 1966 Manuel de la Pensée Yé-Yé (Editions Jul-liard); 1988 L'Enfance de l'Art (novel, co-author with Yves Dangerfield, Editions Calmann-Lévy); 1991 Le Mystère de l'Abbé Moisan (novel, co-author with Michel Grisolia, Editions Jean-Claude Lattès); 1993 La Justice de l'Abbé Moisan (co-author with Michel Grisolia, Edi­tions Jean-Claude Lattès). He died from a heart attack while shooting a TV movie.
1974 ◘ Le Trio infernal / Trio infernale / Trio infernal / UK and USA: The Infernal Trio (also co-screenwriter; France / Italy / West Germany)
        ◘ René la Canne / Tre simpatiche carogne (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ L'Etat sauvage / UK and USA: The Savage State (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
1980 ◘ La Banquière (also co-screenwriter)
1982 ◘ Le Grand Frère (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1984 ◘ Le Bon Plaisir (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1986 ◘ Descente aux Enfers (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1988 ◘ L'Enfance de l'Art (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Lacenaire / US video: The Elegant Criminal (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Contre l'Oubli / Ecrire contre l'Oubli / Against Oblivion / Lest We Forget (documentary; segment "Pour d'Archana Guha, Inde")
        ◘ Délit mineur (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Lumière et Compagnie / Lumière y compania / Lumière and Company (short; co-director only; France / Spain / Denmark / Sweden)
        ◘ Passage à l'Acte (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1998 ◘ Terminale (also co-screenwriter)
2001 ◘ Mauvais Genres / USA: Trans fixed / Gender Bias (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / Belgium)
2006 ◘ Un Ami parfait (also co-screenwriter)
 Television Filmography
2000 ◘ Le Misanthrope
2004 ◘ Le Pays des Enfants perdus
        ◘ L'Oncle de Russie (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Notable donc Coupable (Dominique Baron completed the TV movie after the death of Francis Girod)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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