Gast, Michel

Gast, Michel
(Michel Gaston / July 21, 1930, Saint-Satur, Cher, France - )
   He spent a lot of his time watching classics at the Cinémathèque française before being successively an assistant editor, assistant makeup designer, producer, and director of shorts. He also released in France, with a friend of his, Michelangelo Antonioni's Cronaca di un amore / UK: Chronicle of a Love / USA: Story of a Love Affair (1950). A film director since 1953, he co-wrote several movies (1972 Les Tueurs fous / De dole dodersL Boris Szulzinger, Belgium; Die Klosterschulerinen / Le Château / USA: Sex Life in a Convent, Eberhard Schroeder, West Germany / France; Und der Regen verwischt jede Spur / La Pluie noire / UK and USA: Tears of Blood, Alfred Vohrer, West Germany / France; 1981 Casta e pura / Casta y pura / Chaste et pure, also story, Salvatore Samperi, Italy / Spain / France). After 1970, he gave up film directing to dedicate himself to pro­duction (1973 Prenez la Queue comme tout le Monde / Club del piacere / UK and USA: Line Up and Lay Down, also actor, Jean-François Davy, France / Italy; 1974 Q (Le Gros Lot) / Au Plaisir des Dames / Come divenni primo ministro / De Dolle vrouwtjes / / Il n'y a plus qu'à / UK: Prickly Problems, as executive producer, Jean-François Davy, France / Italy / Belgium; Et si tu n'en veux pas / French UndressingL Jacques Treyens = Jacques Besnard, France / Belgium; 1975 Tarzoon, la Honte de la Jungle / UK: Jungle Burger / USA: Shame of the Jungle / Tarzoon, the Shame of the Jungle, animation, as executive producer, Picha, Belgium / France; 1976 Le Diable au Cœur / USA: The Devil in the Heart, as delegate producer; Bernard Queysanne; 1979 Die Hamburger Krankheit / La Maladie de Hambourg, Peter Fleischmann, West Germany / France; 1980 Comme une Femme, Christian Dura; Le Chaînon manquant / De ontbrekende Schakel / USA: B.C. Rock, animation, Picha, Belgium / France). From the 1990s to the 2000s, he worked as a dubbing artistic director. Other credit (as actor): 1986 Paulette, la pauvre petite Milliardaire (Claude Confortès).
1953 ◘ Autant en emporte le Gang (co-director with Jack Moisy; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, production manager; shot in 1951)
        ◘ Lacques et Jacqueline (short; co-director with R. J. Le Roy)
1959 ◘ J'irai cracher sur vos Tombes / USA: I Spit on Your Grave (supervised by Ralph Habib; also co-dialogist)
1961 ◘ Le Sahara brûle / USA: Sahara on Fire / US TV: The Flame in the Desert (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
1970 ◘ Céleste / Un soffio di piacere (France / Italy)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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