- Foldes, Peter
- (1924, Budapest, Hungary-March 29, 1977, Paris, France)He directed his two first animated shorts in England, where he studied painting. After living for a while in the USA, he settled in France in the early 1960s.Filmography1952 ◘ Animation Genesis (animated short; UK)1954 ◘ A Short Vision (animated short; UK)◘ Appétit d'Oiseau (animated short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Un Garçon plein d'Avenir (animated short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Plus Vite (animated short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Awakening (animated short; Canada)◘ Brainy Beauty (animated short; Canada)◘ Narcissus (animated short)◘ L'Eveil (animated short; also cinematographer)◘ La Belle Cérébrale (short)◘ Women's Faces (animated short; Canada)◘ Metadata (animated short; Canada)◘ Narcissus (animated short)◘ Je, tu, elles / USA: I, You, They (also screenwriter, dialogist, animator; shot in 1969)1974 ◘ La Faim / Hunger (animated short; also animator; Canada)1977 ◘ Envisage (animated short)◘ Rêve (animated short)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.