Fescourt, Henri

Fescourt, Henri
(Marcellin Henri Fescourt / November 23, 1880, Béziers, Hérault, France - August 9, 1966, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
   A former lawyer, he opted for journalism (L'Intransigeant) and musical criticism before directing his first short for Gaumont in 1912. Also a screenwriter (1915 Quand même, Henri Pouctal; 1933 Casanova / Les Amours de Ca­sanova, René Barberis), he wrote several books (1912 Souvenirs d'Aimée Tessandier, Flammarion; 1925 L'Idée et l'Ecran: Opinions sur le Cinéma, co-author with Jean-Louis Bouquet; 1959 La Foi et les Montagnes ou Le 7ème Art au Passé, Publications Photo-Cinéma Paul Montel).
1912 ◘ La Méthode du Professeur Neura (short)
        ◘ Les Risques du Flirt
        ◘ Le Naufragé (short)
        ◘ La Bienfaitrice (short)
        ◘ Pantaisie de Milliardaire (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Bonheur perdu (short)
        ◘ L'Innocence est récompensée (short)
        ◘ L'Amazone / L'Amazone masquée (short)
        ◘ L'Homme giflé (short)
        ◘ Le Mari à l'Essai (short)
        ◘ Bébé colle des Timbres
        ◘ Le Ténor (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Grand Seigneur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Suzanne et les Vieillards (short)
        ◘ Le Mensonge (short)
        ◘ Paris-Saint-Pétersbourg, Minuit Trente-Cinq (short)
        ◘ La Perle égarée / La Perle bleue (short)
        ◘ La Peur des Bandits (short)
        ◘ Le Regard (short)
        ◘ Les Rivales (short)
        ◘ Son Passé (short)
        ◘ Un Vol a été commis (short)
1913 ◘ L'Agence Pigeonneau (short)
        ◘ Enfin seul! (short)
        ◘ L'Ennemie (short)
        ◘ La Loi de la Guerre (short)
        ◘ La Lumière qui tue (short)
        ◘ Le Chèque (short)
        ◘ Le Petit Restaurant de l'Impasse Canin (short)
        ◘ Les Joyeuses Noces de Saint-Lolo (short)
        ◘ Le Crime enseveli (short)
        ◘ Cubiste par Amour (short)
        ◘ Le Fiancé impossible (short)
        ◘ Départ dans la Nuit (three parts: "Le Piège", "Les Preuves, L'Aveu")
        ◘ Les Deux Médaillons (short)
        ◘ Jeux d'Enfants (short)
        ◘ Le Mardi Gras (short)
        ◘ La Marquise de Trevenec (short)
        ◘ Le Mauvais Locataire (short)
        ◘ Le Percepteur hypnotisé (short)
        ◘ Pourquoi? (short)
        ◘ PS 32, Bureau 9 (short)
        ◘ Quatre me suffiront (short)
        ◘ Un Obus sur Paris (short)
        ◘ La Voix qui accuse (two parts: "Gaston Béraut", "L'Aiguille d'Emeraude")
1914 ◘ Les Trois Ombres (short)
        ◘ La Mariquita (four parts)
        ◘ Deux Femmes . . . un Amour (short)
        ◘ Fille de Prince (short)
        ◘ Fleur d'Exil (short)
        ◘ Maman (short)
        ◘ La Menace (short; also screenwriter; Henri
        ◘ Pouctal completed the movie)
        ◘ Peine d'Amour (two parts short)
        ◘ Petit Coeur d'Enfant (short)
        ◘ Le Scrupule / Le Scrupule de Monsieur Dumontel (short)
        ◘ Les Sept Suffragettes de Saint-Lolo (short)
        ◘ Le Vrai Bonheur (short)
1921 ◘ La Nut du 13
        ◘ Mathias Sandorf (also screenwriter, adapter)
1922 ◘ Rouletabille chez les Bohémiens (ten episodes: "Le Livre des Ancêtres", "L'Arrestation", "L'Instruction", "La Poursuite", "La Page déchirée", "L'Enlèvement", "A Server Turn", "La Pieuvre", "Révélation", "Le Retour"; also screenwriter, adapter)
1924 ◘ Mandrin (eight episodes: "Le Révolté", "L'Exempt Pistolet", "L'Etrange Escamoteur", "L'Eloge de Mandrin", "Le Château de Mr Voltaire", "La Grâce du Roy", "La Trahison", "Justice")
        ◘ Les Grands
1925 ◘ Un Fils d'Amérique
        ◘ Les Misérables (four episodes: "Prologue and Fantine", "Cosette", "Marius", "L'Epopée de Saint-Denis"; also screenwriter, adapter, producer)
        ◘ La Glu (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ L'Occident
        ◘ La Maison du Maltais (also screenwriter, adapter; shot in 1926)
        ◘ Monte-Cristo (two episodes; also co-screenwriter, adapter)
1930 ◘ La Maison de la Flèche (France / UK)
1932 ◘ Service de Nuit (France / Sweden)
        ◘ Serments (France / Sweden)
        ◘ L'Occident Bar du Sud
        ◘ Vous seule que j'aime
1940 ◘ Face au Destin
1943 ◘ Retour de Flamme

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Fescourt, Henri — (1880 1966)    Director and screenwriter. Henri Fescourt began his career as a journalist. He was recruited to Gaumont by Louis Feuillade in 1908 or so, initially as a screenwriter, although he shortly thereafter turned his hand to directing.… …   Guide to cinema

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  • Henri Fescourt — (* 23. November 1880 in Béziers; † 13. August 1966 in Neuilly sur Seine) war ein französischer Filmregisseur. Marcellin Henri Fescourt studierte Jura und arbeitete nach seinem Abschluss als Musikkritiker und Journalist für die Zeitung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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