- Féret, René
- (May 26, 1945, La Bassée, Nord, France - )Having trained at the Ecole Nationale d'Art Dramatique de Strasbourg, he started as a stage actor and director with the Compagnie Vincent Jourd'heuil. Parallel to his directing career, he played in films (1973 Georges qui?, Michèle Rosier, shot in 1971; 1976 Lumière / Scene di un' amicizia tra donne / USA: Lumiere, Jeanne Moreau, France / Italy; 1981 La Fille prodigue / USA: The Prodigal Daughter, Jacques Doillon; 1983 Sarah, also executive producer, Maurice Dugowson; 1988 Savannah, la Ballade, Marco Pico; 1994 3000 Scénarios contre un Virus, segment "Discussions entre un Père et son Fils", Jean-Daniel Pillault; 1999 Est-Ouest / La vida prometida / UK and USA: East-West, Régis Wargnier, France / Russia / Bulgaria / Spain / Ukraine) and TV movies (1975 Esquisse d'une jeune Femme sens dessus-dessous, Alain Boudet; 1981 Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux, as himself, Bernard Bouthier; 1986 Tous en Boîte, 6 x 52', Charles Nemes; 1987 La Tricheuse, Joyce Bunuel; 1994 Couchettes Express, Luc Béraud; 1999 Mélissol, episode "Paranoia", Jean-Pierre Igoux; 2000 Les Enfants du Printemps, 3 x 90', Marco Pico). He also worked as producer (1976 Moi, Pierre Rivière ayant égorgé ma Mère, ma Sœur et mon Frère, René Allio; 1981 Dernier Eté, Robert Guédiguian, Frank Le Wita; 1991 Un Homme et Deux Femmes / UK and USA: A Man and Two Women, also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, Valérie Stroh; 1997 Dakar, Mohamed Camara, Guinea / France) and executive producer (1979 Plurielles, Jean-Patrick Lebel; 1983 Itinéraire Bis, Christian Drillaud, shot in 1981).Filmography1975 ◘ Histoire de Paul (also screenwriter, dialogist)1977 ◘ La Communion solennelle (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor, producer)◘ L'Enfant roi (also screenwriter, actor; unre-leased)◘ Fernand (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)1985 ◘ Le Mystère Alexina / UK: Alexina / USA: The Mystery of Alexina (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)1987 ◘ L'Homme qui n'était pas là / USA: The Man Who Wasn't There (also screenwriter, dialogist, actor; shot in 1985)1989 ◘ Baptême (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)1992 ◘ Promenades d'Eté (also screenwriter, producer)1993 ◘ La Place d'un Autre (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)◘ Rue du Retrait (also screenwriter, actor, producer)◘ Les Frères Gravet (also screenwriter, dialogist; shot in 1994)2003 ◘ L'Enfant du Pays (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)2006 ◘ Il a suffi que Maman s'en aille . . . (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)2008 ◘ Comme une Etoile dans la Nuit (also screenwriter, dialogist)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.