Durand, Jean-Marie

Durand, Jean-Marie
(Jean-Marie Durand-Galliano / 1942, France - )
   A former actor (1971 Le Frisson des Vampires / UK: Sex and the Vampire / The Terror of the Vampires / Thrill of the Vampires / Vampire Thrills / USA: Strange Things Happen at Night / US DVD: The Shiver of the Vampires, Jean Rollin), co-screenwriter (1970 L'Ardoise, Claude Bernard-Aubert), and unit production manager (1972 Le Viager, Pierre Tchernia; 1973 Les Granges brûlées / La mia legge, Jean Chapot, France / Italy; Je sais rien, mais je dirai tout, Pierre Richard; 1975 Love and Death / Guerre et Amour, Woody Allen, USA / France), he wrote and directed a lowbrow comedy.
1980 ◘ Les Aventures de Guidon fûté (also screenwriter, dialogist, composer)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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