- Dorfmann, Jacques
- (December 2, 1945, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France - )The son of producer Robert Dorfmann (1912-1999), he entered films as an actor under the pseudonym of Jacques Toulouse in Il Grande Silenzio / Le Grand Silence (Sergio Corbucci, Italy / France) before producing almost thirty movies (from 1969 L'Armée des Ombres / L'armata degli eroi / UK: Army in the Shadows / The Shadow Army / USA: Army of Shadows, Jean-Pierre Melville, France / Italy, to 2001 Vercingétorix / Druids, Jacques Dorfmann, France / Canada / Belgium). He also co-wrote a few films (1979 Aragosta a colazione / Une Langouste au petit Déjeuner / USA: Lobster for Breakfast, Giorgio Capitani, Italy / France; 1986 L'Unique / USA: The Original, Jérôme Diamant-Berger).Filmography1988 ◘ Le Palanquin des Larmes (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, shot in 1986-1987)1993 ◘ Agaguk / Shadow of the Wolf (co-director with Pierre Magny; also co-adapter; France / Canada; shot in 1990-1991)2001 ◘ Vercingétorix / Druids (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer; France / Canada / Belgium; shot in 1999)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.