Deyriès, Bernard

Deyriès, Bernard
(Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France - )
   Having trained at the Ecole Brassart in Tours (re­cently he has become the main teacher and the di­rector of the school), he published his first drawings in such fanzines as Choc and Public-Choc. He made his professional debut with Jean Chalopin in 1974 shoot­ing commercials.
1985 ◘ Here Comes the Littles (animation; USA / Luxembourg)
        ◘ Rainbow and the Star Stealer (co-director with Kilio Yabuki; USA / Japan)
1987 ◘ Les Minipouss (animation)
2001 ◘ Petit Potam (animation; co-director with Chris­tian Choquet)
 Television Filmography
        ◘ Ulysse 31 / Uchû densetsu Ulysses 31 (anima­tion; 26 X 25'; co-director only; also co-screenwriter, producer, designer; France / Japan)
        ◘ Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or / Taiyô no ko Es-teban / UK: Esteban: The Child of the Sun / USA: The Mysterious Cities of Gold / Esteban and the Seven Cities of Gold (animation; 39 X 20'; also co-screenwriter; France / Japan / Luxembourg)
        ◘ The Littles (animation; episodes "Beware of Hunter!", "The Lost City of the Littles", "The Big Scare", "Lights . . . Camera . . . Littles!", "Spirits of the Night", "The Little Winner", "A Big Cure for a Little Illness", "The Rats Are Coming!", "A Little Fairy Tale", "Prescription for Disaster", "The Little Scouts", "A Little Gold . . . a Lot of Trouble", "Dinky's Doomsday Pizza"; USA)
        ◘ Inspector Gadget / Inspecteur Gadget (episode "Gadget in Winterland"; USA / France / Canada)
1984 ◘ Pole Position (animation; 13 X 30'; USA)
        ◘ The Littles (animation; episodes "Looking for Grandma Little", "Every Little Vote Counts", "The Forest Littles", "The Littles' Halloween", "The Little Babysitters", "A Little Rock and Roll", "The Little Amazon Queen", "The Little Girl Who Could"; USA)
1985 ◘ Kissyfur (animation; co-director with Marija Miletic Dail; USA)
        ◘ Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors / Jayce et les Conquérants de la Lumière (animation; co-director only)
        ◘ Rainbow Brite / Blondine au Pays de l'Arc-en-Ciel / Mahô shôjo Rainbow Brite (animation; 13 X 30'; USA / France)
        ◘ MASK / Mobile Armored Strike Command (animation; co-director with Bruno Bianchi; France / Canada / Japan)
        ◘ The Littles (animation; episodes "Deadly Jew­els", "The Wrong Stuff", "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling", "Ben Dinky", "For the Birds", "The Twins", "Tut the Second", "Just a Little Drunk"; USA)
1986 ◘ Poppies / Poporuzu (animation; co-director only; France / USA / Japan)
        ◘ ABC Weekend Specials (animation; episodes "Liberty and the Littles", "The Kingdom Chums: Little David's Adventure"; USA)
1987 ◘ Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World (animation; co-director with Bill Dubay; USA)
        ◘ Pady Lovelocks and the Pixietails (animation; 10 X 22'; co-director only; USA)
1990 ◘ Sophie et Virginie / Sophie and Virginia (anima­tion; 56 X 22'; co-director with Pascal Morelli; France / USA)
        ◘ Omer et le Fils de l'Etoile (animation; co-director with Frédéric Koskas)
        ◘ Conan: The Adventurer (animation; co-director with Ghislain Cloquet; episodes "Curse of Axh'oon", "Tribal Warfare"; USA)
        ◘ Petit Potam / Hippo Hurra / USA: Little Hippo (animation; 52 X 13'; France / Germany)
        ◘ Les Malheurs de Sophie (animated TV series)
        ◘ La Princesse du Nil (animated TV series)
        ◘ Les Ailes du Dragon (animated TV series; co-director with Roger Héroux)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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