Antoine, André

Antoine, André
(Léonard André Antoine / Jan­uary 31, 1858, Limoges, Haute-Vienne, France - Octo­ber 19, 1943, Le Pouliguen, Loire-Atlantique, France)
   A former gas company employee, he dedicated his life to the stage from 1887, the year he created with a few amateur friends the Théâtre-Libre (known as Théâtre Antoine since 1897). An adept of a naturalist aesthetic, he broke many dramatic conventions and totally re­newed contemporary theater, influencing the greatest French stage directors of the twentieth century (Firmin Gémier, Charles Dullin, Sacha Pitoëff, Jacques Copeau, Jean Vilar) and such filmmakers as Jacques Feyder, Jean Renoir, Marcel Pagnol, and Jean Grémillon. In 1914, he entered films as an assistant director to Albert Capel-lani, who was his collaborator onstage. He appeared as himself in Ceux de chez nous / USA: Those of Our Land (Sacha Guitry, 1915). His son, André-Paul Antoine (1892-1982), was a playwright and a screenwriter.
1917 ◘ Les Frères corses (also screenwriter, adapter; shot in 1915)
        ◘ Pe Coupable (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Les Travailleurs de la Mer (six episodes; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Israël (Italy)
        ◘ L'Hirondelle et la Mésange
        ◘ Quatre-Vingt-Treize (Albert Capellani started shooting the film in 1914 before leaving for the USA, then André Antoine completed and edited it in 1917. Banned during the war, the movie was finally released in 1921)
        ◘ Mademoiselle de la Seiglière (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ La Terre (also screenwriter, adapter)
1922 ◘ L' Arlésienne / USA: The Girl From Arles (also screenwriter, adapter)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Antoine, André — (1858 1943)    Director and film pioneer. André Antoine came to the cinema late in life, at the age of fifty two. By that time, he was already a celebrated stage director and producer. He was also the founder of the Théâtre Libre, a realist,… …   Guide to cinema

  • Antoine, André — (1858 1943)    Director and film pioneer. André Antoine came to the cinema late in life, at the age of fifty two. By that time, he was already a celebrated stage director and producer. He was also the founder of the Théâtre Libre, a realist,… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Antoine, André — (1858 1943)    stage director, actor, theorist    Born in Limoges, André Antoine was the founder of the Théâtre Libre (1887) and was at first, as an artist, attracted to the works of émile zola and to naturalism. Antoine staged the plays of… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Antoine, André — ▪ French actor born Jan. 31, 1858, Limoges, Fr. died Oct. 19, 1943, Pouliguen       actor, theatrical manager, critic, and film director, a pioneer of naturalistic drama who founded the Théâtre Libre in Paris. His contributions to the development …   Universalium

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