Chomet, Sylvain

Chomet, Sylvain
(November 10, 1963, Maison Laffitte, Yvelines, France - )
   He intended to become a humoristic drawer in his childhood. After spending three years at the Angoulême comic strip school and graduating with a diploma, he went to England, where he joined an animation studio specializing in commercials. Then he was a screenwriter for comic strip drawers Nicolas de Crécy ("Léon la Came") and Hubert Chevillard ("Le Pont dans la Vase"). His first animated film cost him ten years of work.
1998 ◘ La Vieille Dame et les Pigeons (animated short; also screenwriter, animation director)
2003 ◘ Les Triplettes de Belleville / UK: Belleville Rendez­Vous / USA: The Triplets of Belleville (animation; also screenwriter, animation director; France / Belgium / Canada / UK)
2006 ◘ Paris, je t'aime (segment "Tour Eiffel"; also screenwriter; France / Liechtenstein / Swit­zerland)
2009 ◘ The Illusionist / L'Illusionniste (animation; also co-screenwriter, adapter, co-producer; UK / France)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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