- Chautard, Emile
- (1881, Avignon, Paris, France - April 24, 1934, Los Angeles, California, USA)A former actor at the Odeon, he began working for Eclair in 1909 and became artistic director of a branch of that society, the A.G.A.D., in 1910. He wrote a few of Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset's movies (1912 Le Mystère de Notre-Dame de Paris / Le Mystère du Pont Notre-Dame; La Tourmente, also actor) and played in films (1911 La Savelli, short, Camille de Morlhon; Fouquet, l'Homme au Masque de Fer, Camille de Morlhon; Le Poison de l'Humanité / USA: Alcohol: The Poison of Humanity, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset; 1913 Protéa, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset). From 1915 to 1924, he settled in the USA, where he shot many movies before resuming his acting career performing supporting roles in about sixty pictures (from 1917 A Girl's Folly, Maurice Tourneur, to 1934 Viva Villa!, uncredited, Jack Conway, Howard Hawks, William A. Wellman). His stepson was American director George Archain-baud (1890-1959). He died of organ failure.Filmography◘ Après la Chute de l'Aigle (short; unconfirmed; directed by Emile Chautard or Victorin Jasset; also screenwriter)◘ Barberine / La Quenouille de Barberine / USA: Barberine (short)◘ Eugènie Grandet (short)◘ Le Voleur volé / USA: The Elusive Robber (short)◘ La Petite Maman / USA: The Little Mother (short; also screenwriter)◘ Entre le Devoir et l'Honneur / USA: Between Duty and Honor / Between Love and Honor (short)◘ Jean le Pion (short)◘ Le Médecin malgré lui (short)◘ La Petite Etoile (short)◘ Le Gamin de Paris (short)◘ Le Trait d'Union (short; also screenwriter)◘ Cavalleria rusticana (short)◘ Le Coup de Vent (short)1911◘ Chien et Loup / Chiens et Loups / USA: Dog and◘ Wolf (short; also screenwriter)◘ Lour Maman / USA: For Their Mother (short; also screenwriter)◘ César Birotteau (short)◘ Le Cœur et les Yeux (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Ingénieux Accident / USA: The Ingenious Accident (short)◘ Mariage aux Etoiles / USA: Marriage in the Stars (short; also screenwriter)◘ Mater Dolorosa / USA: The Sorrowful Mother (short)◘ Le Mur mitoyen (short)◘ Cruelle Illusion (short)◘ Le Grand-Père (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Aventure de Miette / USA: Miette's Adventures (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Fleur des Neiges (short; also screenwriter)◘ Quand les Feuilles tomberont / USA: When the◘ Leaves Fall (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Ennemi (short; also actor)◘ Les Mains / USA: The Hands (short; co-director with Victorin Jasset)◘ La Poupée japonaise (short)◘ La Poison de l'Humanité / USA: Alcohol: The Poison of Humanity (co-director with Victorin Jasset; also screenwriter, actor)◘ Une Nuit d'Epouvante / USA: A Terrible Night (USA)◘ Vieux Papiers, vieux Souvenirs / USA: Old Papers, Old Souvenirs (short)◘ La Légende de l'Aigle—A la Veille d'Austerlitz / USA: On the Eve of Austerlitz (short)1912◘ Conscience d'Enfant (short)◘ Le Bonhomme Jadis / USA: The Kind Old Man (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Dame de chez Maxim's (short)◘ La Légende de l'Aigle—Tu ne tueras point (short)◘ La Légende de l'Aigle—Il était Trois Grenadiers (short)◘ La Légende de l'Aigle—La Boucle de Cheveux / USA: The Lock of Hair (short)◘ La Légende de l'Aigle—Le Déserteur (short)◘ Sapho (short)◘ Occupe-toi d'Amélie (short)1913◘ L'Auberge sanglante (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Veuve joyeuse (short)◘ Mathilde (short)◘ Lean la Poudre ou La Conquête de l'Algérie◘ (short; unconfirmed; directed by Emile Chau-◘ tard or Maurice Tourneur)◘ Le Mystère de la Chambre jaune (short; co-◘ director with Maurice Tourneur)◘ Autour d'un Testament (short)◘ La Crinière (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Malédiction (short)◘ Le Chiffonnier de Paris (short)◘ La Marseillaise (short)◘ Les Moineaux affamés (short)◘ Le Sculpteur aveugle (short; also actor)◘ La Duchesse des Folies-Bergère (short)◘ Le Dictateur◘ La Dame de Monsoreau (short; unconfirmed; directed by Emile Chautard or Charles Krauss)◘ La Fiancée maudite (short)◘ Les Volets blancs (short)◘ Le Cœur d'une Mère (Les Lions) (short)1914◘ Bagnes d'Enfants (short)◘ L'Aiglon (short; also actor)◘ L'Apprentie (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Berger (short; also screenwriter)◘ Les Ruses de l'Amour (short; unconfirmed; Emile Chautard or Maurice Tourneur)◘ Les Cols bleus (short)◘ Le Faiseur des Fous (short)◘ L'Idée de Françoise (short)◘ Le Mystère de Coatserhro (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Roman d'un Caissier (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Indépendance de la Belgique 1830 (short)◘ Arrival of Perpetua (short; USA)◘ The Boss (short; USA)◘ The Little Dutch Girl (short; USA)◘ The Rack (short; USA)1916 ◘ Des Pas sur le Sable / Les Aventures de William Tharps (three parts)◘ Love's Crucible (short; USA)◘ Human Driftwood (short; USA)◘ Sudden Riches (short; USA)◘ Friday the 13 / Friday the Thirteenth (short; USA)◘ The Heart of a Hero (short; USA)◘ All Man (short; USA)◘ 1917◘ Sapho (USA)◘ The Man Who Forgot (also screenwriter; USA)◘ A Hungry Heart / The Hungry Heart (USA)◘ The Web of Desire (USA)◘ The Family Honor (USA)◘ Lorget-Me-Not (USA)◘ The Fires of Youth (USA)◘ Under False Colors (USA)◘ The Heart of Ezra Greer (USA)◘ Magda (USA)◘ The Eternal Temptress (USA)1918◘ The Marionettes (USA)◘ The House of Glass (USA)◘ The Ordeal of Rosetta (USA)◘ Her Final Reckoning (USA)◘ A Daughter of the Old South (USA)◘ Under the Greenwood Tree (USA)1919◘ Out of the Shadow (USA)◘ His Parisian Wife (USA)◘ Laid in Full (USA)◘ The Marriage Price (USA)◘ Eye of the Soul (USA)◘ The Mystery of the Yellow Room (also producer; USA)◘ Whispering Shadows (USA)◘ The Black Panther's Club (USA)◘ Living Lies (USA)◘ The Glory of Clementina (USA)◘ Youth to Youth (also producer; USA)◘ Lorsaking All Others (USA)◘ Daytime Wives (USA)◘ Untamed Youth (USA)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.