- Chatiliez, Etienne
- (June 17, 1952, Roubaix, Nord, France - )An ideas man and writer for ten years for the advertising agency CLM-BBDO before shooting commercials, he directed successful comedies. He occasionally appeared as an actor in a couple of films (1985 La Nuit Porte-Jarretelles, Virginie Thévenet; 1999 Doggy Bag, Frédéric Comtet).Filmography1988 ◘ La Vie est un long Fleuve tranquille / UK and USA: Life Is a Long Quiet River (also co- screenwriter)1990 ◘ Tatie Danielle1995 ◘ Le Bonheur est dans le Pré / USA: Happiness Is in the Field◘ Scénarios sur la Drogue (segment La Famille Médicament)◘ Tanguy (also co-screenwriter)2004 ◘ La Confiance règne (also original idea, co-screenwriter)2008 ◘ Agathe Cléry (also co-screenwriter)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.