- Carrère, Emmanuel
- (December 9, 1957, Paris, France - )Son of French historian and sovietologist Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, he graduated from the Paris Political Institute before starting out as a film critic writing in Positif. He authored essays on a filmmaker (1982 Werner Herzog, Edilig) and on science fiction (l986 Le Détroit de Behring, POL; 1993 Je suis vivant et vous êtes morts, Le Seuil). Also a novelist (1983 L'Amie du Jaguar, Flammarion; 1984 Bravoure, POL; 1986 La Moustache, POL; 1988 Hors d'Atteinte, POL; 1995 La Classe de Neige, POL; 1999 L'Adversaire, POL; 2007 Un Roman russe, POL), he collaborated as a co-screenwriter or screenwriter on movies (l998 La Classe de Neige / UK: Class Trip, also original novel, Claude Miller) and TV (l990 Héritage oblige, 6 x 52', episode "Comtesse Anna", Maurice Frydland, Daniel Losset; l991 Léon Morin Prêtre, Pierre Boutron; l993 Monsieur Ripois, Luc Béraud; l995 Le Blanc à Lunettes, Edouard Niermans; 1996 Pêcheurs d'Islande, Daniel Vigne, Les Clients d'Avrenos, Philippe Venault; 1998 Denis, Catherine Corsini; 2001 Lo strano caso del signor Kappa, Fabrizio Lori, Italy; 2005 Désiré Landru, Pierre Boutron; 2008 Sous les Vents de Neptune, Josée Dayan; L'Amour dans le Sang, Vincent Monnet).Filmography2003 ◘ Retour à Kotelnitch (documentary; also screenwriter)2005 ◘ La Moustache / Australian TV: The Moustache (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.