Buttignol, Doris

Buttignol, Doris
(April 26, 1962, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France - )
   Having graduated with a bachelor's degree in cinemato­graphic and audiovisual teaching from the UQAM Mon­tréal and the University of Paris VIII and with a master's degree in cinematographic studies from the University of ParisVIII, she was trained as an editor and created and ran a video center in the province of Quebec (1989-1993). Then she became a schoolteacher for a year. A film director since 1996, she founded in 2000 an associ­ation, Les Brasseurs de Cage, which gathers independent artists. Other credit (as producer): 2004 Les Hommes prophétiques (docu-fiction, Pierre Merejkowsky). She co-directed three documentaries with Jo Béranger (December 22, 1956), a former cinema student at the University of Paris VIII. She worked on commercials as a painter and designer before serving as assistant direc­tor to Dominique Benichetti (1992 Le Zoo de Vincennes). Other credit (as voice off-screen): 2002 A propos d'Eric P. (short, Pierre Merejkowsky).
        ◘ Les Filles de Zapata (documentary; short)
        ◘ La Candidate (documentary; short)
2000 ◘ Du Rififi à Seattle (Les Empêcheurs de tourner en round) (documentary; short)
2000 ◘ Présence verte (documentary; 39 X 5')
2001 ◘ Le voudrais vous dire. . . (Fragments de Vie) (documentary; short; co-director with Jo Béranger; also co-screenwriter, producer, sound engineer)
        ◘ Etats d'Homme (documentary; short)
2002 ◘ Liers de ce que nous sommes (documentary; co-director with Jo Béranger)
        ◘ Voyage en Mémoires indiennes (One of Many) (documentary; co-director with Jo Béranger; also co-screenwriter; France / Germany)
        ◘ Sans Valeur marchande (documentary)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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