- Broca, Philippe de
- (March 15, 1933, Paris, France - November 26, 2004, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France)After completing his secondary studies, he entered the Louis Lumière-Vaugirard Superior National School, where he learned cinematic and photographic techniques. He was a member of the Citroën Expedition in Africa, where he shot his first 16-mm documentaries. During the Algerian War, he was a news cameraman in the French army's Cinematographic Service. Having returned to civilian life, he made his film debut as a trainee assistant director (1957 Tous peuvent me tuer / Tutti possono uccidermi / UK: Anyone Can Kill Me / USA: Everybody Wants to Kill Me, Henri Decoin, France / Italy; Charmants Garçons / UK: Charming Boys / USA: Too Many Lovers, Henri De-coin). He successively was second assistant director (1958 Cargaison blanche / USA: Illegal Cargo, Georges Lacombe) and then first assistant director (1958 Le Beau Serge / UK: Bitter Reunion / USA: Handsome Serge, Claude Chabrol; 1959 Ramuntcho, Pierre Schoendo-erffer; Les Cousins / USA: The Cousins, Claude Chabrol; Les 400 Coups / UK and USA: The Four Hundred Blows / USA: The 400 Blows, François Truffaut; A Double Tour / A doppia mandata / UK: Web of Passion / USA: Leda, Claude Chabrol, France / Italy). Other credits (as actor): 1960 A Bout de Souffle / UK: By a Tether / UK and USA: Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard); 1962 Les Filles de la Rochelle (Bernard Deflandre); 1964 Les Pieds-Nickelés (also film supervisor, Jean-Claude Chambon); 1970 Le Cinéma de Papa (Claude Berri); 1996 Belmondo le Magnifique (documentary, as himself, Patrick Cham-mings); (as executive producer): 1967 O Salto / Le Saut (Christian de Chalonge); (as delegate producer): 1978 LArgent des Autres (Christian de Chalonge); (as co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist): 1968 Ne jouez pas avec les Martiens / USA: Don't Play with Martians (Henri Lanoë).Filmography◘ Les Trois Rendez-Vous (16-mm documentary; short)◘ Sous un autre Soleil (16-mm documentary; short; also cinematographer)◘ Salon nautique (16-mm documentary; short; also cinematographer)1956 ◘ Opération Gas-Oil (16-mm documentary; short; also cinematographer)◘ Sous un autre Soleil (short)◘ Les Jeux de l'Amour / UK: The Games of Love / The Love Game / USA: The Lovers (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, actor)◘ Le Farceur / USA: The Joker (also co-screenwriter)◘ L'Amant de Cinq Jours / L'amante di cinque giorni / UK: Infedelity / USA: Five Day Lover (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)1962 ◘ Cartouche / UK: Swords of Blood (also co-screenwriter, actor; France / Italy)◘ Les Sept Péchés capitaux / I sette peccati capitali / UK: The Seven Capital Sins / USA: The Seven Deadly Sins (segment "La Gourmandise / Glut-tonery"; also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)◘ Les Veinards (segment "Une Nuit avec la Vedette"; also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)◘ L'Homme de Rio / L'uomo di Rio / UK: That Man from Rio (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)◘ Un Monsieur de Compagnie / . . . Poi ti sposero / USA: Male Companion (France / Italy)1965 ◘ Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine / L'uomo di Hong Kong / UK: Up to His Ears / USA: Chinese Adventures in China (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)◘ Le Roi du Cœur / Tutti pazzi meno io / USA: King of Hearts (also co-screenwriter, actor, producer; France / Italy)◘ Le plus vieux Métier du Monde / L'amore at-traverso i secoli / Das alteste Gewerbe der Welt / UK: The Oldest Profession in the World / USA: The Oldest Profession (segment "Mademoiselle Mimi"; France / Italy)◘ Le Diable par la Queue / Non tirate il diavolo per la coda / USA: The Devil by the Tail (also co-screenwriter, actor, co-producer; France / Italy)◘ Les Caprices de Marie / Portami quello che hai e prenditi quello che vuoi / USA: Give Her Moon (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)◘ La Poudre d'Escampette / Darsela a gambe / UK: French Leave / USA: Touch and Go (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)◘ Chère Louise / La lunga notte di Louise / UK: Louise (France / Italy)◘ Le Magnifique / Come si distrugge la reputazione del più grande agente segreto del mondo / UK: How to Destroy the Reputation of the Greatest Secret Agent . . . / USA: The Magnificent One (also co-screenwriter, actor; France / Italy)1975 ◘ L'Incorrigible / Der Unverbesserliche / USA: Incorrigible (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)◘ Julie Pot-de-Colle◘ Tendre Poulet / UK: Dear Detective / USA: Dear Inspector (also co-screenwriter)◘ Le Cavaleur / UK: Practice Makes Perfect / USA: The Skirt Chaser (also co-screenwriter)◘ On a volé la Cuisse de Jupiter / UK and USA: Jupiter's Thigh (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)1981 ◘ Psy◘ L'Africain (also co-screenwriter)◘ Louisiane / Louisiana (co-director with Jacques Demy; Philippe de Broca completed the movie)1986 ◘ La Gitane (also adapter, dialogist, actor)1988 ◘ Chouans! (also co-screenwriter)◘ Les 1001 Nuits / Le mille e una notte / Sheherazade / UK TV: Cheherazade (also co-screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; France / Italy / Switzerland)◘ Les Clés du Paradis (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)1997 ◘ Le Bossu / Il cavaliere di Lagardère / Duell der Degen / UK and USA: On Guard (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy / Germany)2000 ◘ Amazone (also screenwriter; France / Spain)2004 ◘ Vipère au Poing / UK: Viper in the Fist (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, actor)Television Filmography◘ Regarde-moi quand je te quitte◘ Le Jardin des Plantes / UK: Tales from the Zoo / USA: The Greenhouse◘ Les Hommes et les Femmes sont faits pour vivre heureux . . . mais pas ensemble (also actor)◘ Le Veilleur de Nuit◘ Madame Sans-Gêne◘ Y aura pas Ecole Demain Un Amour en Kit◘ Le Menteur
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.