Wilson, Georges

Wilson, Georges
(Georges Willson / Octo­ber 7, 1921, Paris, France - )
   The son of a French father and a Irish mother, he enrolled in the Ecole de la Rue Blanche acting school in 1945 and received his dramatic training with actor Pierre Renoir. From 1947 to 1952, he played with various theater troupes, including the Grenier-Hussenot Company. Hired by Gérard Philipe and Jean Vilar, he joined the prestigious TNP (Théâtre National Populaire), for which he did his first stage directing in 1953. With the passing years, he became one the most important French stage directors. From 1950 (Maître après Dieu / USA: Skipper Next to God, Louis Daquin) to Mesrine, l'Ennemi public Numéro 1 (Jean-François Richet), he played in about 100 films, mostly in supporting roles. His portrayal of the amne­sic in Une aussi longue Absence / L'inverno ti fara tornare / USA: The Long Absence (Henri Colpi, France / Italy, 1961) was internationally praised, and he was nomi­nated for the BAFTA Award (best foreign actor). In 1963, he succeeded Jean Vilar as the head of TNP. An autobiographical book was born from the interviews he gave to journalists Claude Baignères and Sylvie Pérez (Le Fil d'Or, Editions Fayard, 2008).
1989 ◘ La Vouivre (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
 Television Filmography
1975 ◘ Léopold le Bien-Aimé (also adapter)
1982 ◘ Chênes et Lapins angora

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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