- Velle, Gaston
- (1872-1948, Paris, France)A former illusionist, he was hired in 1903 by Pathé, for which he shot trick movies. In 1906, he moved to Italy with his crew and worked as an artistic director for Cines. One year and several Italian films later, he returned to France and Pathé. After 1913, like many other silent directors, he faded into obscurity.Filmography◘ La Métamorphose du Roi de Pique / USA: Metamorphosis of the King of Spades / The King of Spades (short)◘ Le Chapeau magique / USA: The Magic Hat (short)◘ La Danse des Apaches / USA: Ruffian's Dance (short)◘ Danse du "Kickapoo" / USA: Kickapoo Dance (short)◘ Danses plastiques / USA: Dance Plastiques (short)◘ Les Dénicheurs d'Oiseaux / UK: Bird Nest Robbers / USA: The Nest Robbers (short)◘ Dévaliseurs nocturnes / UK: Burglary at Night / USA: Burglars at Work (short)◘ Japonaiseries / USA: Japanese Varieties (short)◘ Métamorphoses du Papillon / UK: A Butterfly's Changes / USA: A Butterfly's Metamorphosis / Metamorphosis of a Butterfly (short)◘ Le Paravent mystérieux / USA: The Mysterious Screen (short)◘ Un Drame dans les Airs / USA: Drama in the Air (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Valise de Barnum / USA: Barnum's Trunk (short; also actor)1905 ◘ L'Album merveilleux / USA: Wonderful Album (short)◘ L'Antre infernal (short)◘ Les Cartes lumineuses / Les Cartes transparentes / USA: Transparent Cards (short)◘ Coiffes et Coiffures / USA: Different Hair Dresses (short)◘ La Fée aux Fleurs / USA: Flower Fairy (short)◘ Le Garde Fantôme / USA: Phantom's Guard (short)◘ Les Invisibles / USA: Invisible Thief / The Invisible Man (short)◘ John Higgins, le Roi des Sauteurs (short)◘ La Poule aux Oeufs d'Or / USA: The Hen That Laid the Golden Eggs / The Hen with the Golden Eggs (four parts, twelve scenes; first part: "La Loterie du Sorcier"; second part: "Le Poulailler fantastique: La Basse-Cour", "Le Poulailler", "Le Poulailler fantastique", "Découverte des Œufs d'Or", "Les Deux Larrons"; third part: "Richesse éphémère: La Cage mystérieuse", "L'œuf transparent", "Le Caveau des Trésors", "La Ruine"; fourth part: "Le Châtiment de l'Avare—Apothéose: La Misère", "La Fée de l'Or")◘ Rêve à la Lune / L'Amant de la Lune / UK: Drunkard's Dream of Why You Sign the Pledge (short; co-director with Ferdinand Zecca)◘ La Ruche merveilleuse / USA: Wonderful Behive (short)◘ Sidney, le Clown aux Echasses / USA: Clown Sidney on Stillts (short)◘ Un Drame en Mer / USA: A Tragedy at the Sea (short)1906 ◘ Il bazar di Natale (short; Italy)◘ Bicyclette présentée en Liberté / USA: The Riderless Bicycle (short)◘ La confessione per telefono (short; Italy)◘ I conigli del dottore (short; Italy)◘ Cuori e patria (short; Italy)◘ Il dessert di Lulù (short; Italy)◘ Dopo un venglione (short; Italy)◘ L'Ecrin du Rajah / USA: The Rajah's Casket (short)◘ Les Effets de la Foudre / USA: Victims of the◘ Storm (short)◘ Lée aux Pigeons (short)◘ Les Fleurs animées / USA: Living Flowers (short)◘ La Gitana (short; Italy)◘ Les Invisibles (short)◘ Nozze tragiche (short; Italy)◘ Onore rusticano (short; Italy)◘ Le ore di una mondana (short; Italy)◘ Lorganetto misterioso (short; Italy)◘ Otello (short; Italy)◘ La Peine du Talion / USA: Tit-for-Tat (short)◘ La pila elettrica (short; Italy)◘ Il pompiere di servizio (short; Italy)◘ Pranzo provvidenziale (short; Italy)◘ Quaranta gradi all'ombra (short; Italy)◘ Il ratto di una sposa in bicicletta (short; Italy)◘ Triplice convegno (short; Italy)◘ Voyage autour d'une Etoile / Viaggio in una stella / USA: Voyage Around A Star (short; also screenwriter; France / Italy)1907 ◘ Petit Jules Verne / Nel paese dei sogni / Il piccolo Verne (short; France / Italy)◘ Le Petit Prestidigitateur (short)◘ Le Secret de l'Horloger (short)◘ Triste giovinezza (short; Italy)1908 ◘ La Faune (short)◘ Un Diable au Pensionnat (short)◘ La Fable de Psyché (short)◘ Au Temps des Pharaons (short)◘ Cagliostro / Cagliostro, Aventurier, Chimiste et Magicien / USA: Cagliostro (short; co-director with Camille de Morlhon)◘ Le Charme des Fleurs (short)◘ Le Fruit défendu (short)◘ Isis (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Marchand d'Images (short)◘ L'Oracle des Demoiselles (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Petite Blancheneige (short)◘ Rêve d'Art (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Rose d'Or (short)1911 ◘ L'Armure de Feu (short)◘ Le Cauchemar de Pierrot (short; also screenwriter)◘ Lafarifla ou le Filtre magique (short)1913 ◘ La Nuit rouge◘ La Poule aux Œufs d'Or (short; new version)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.