Vandenberghe, Paul

Vandenberghe, Paul
(July 31, 1916, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France - May 2, 1961, Paris, France)
   As a stage actor and director, he made his film debut adapting one of his plays (1945 J'ai Dix-Sept Ans / USA: My First Love, André Berthomieu). He wrote several screenplays and dialogue for André Berthomieu (1946 Gringalet, also leading role; 1947 Pas si Bête; 1948 Blanc comme Neige; 1951 Le Roi des Camelots; Chacun son Tour; La Joyeuse Prison).
1949 ◘ On ne triche pas avec la Vie / Docteur Louise / UK: The Story of Dr. Louise (co-director with René Delacroix; also actor)
1956 ◘ Les Mains liées (co-director with Roland J. Quignon, Abbé Aloysius Vachet; also actor)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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