Unia, Pierre

Unia, Pierre
(August 17, 1933, Morocco-)
   He started a film career as a co-screenwriter for Max Pécas (1968 La Nuit la plus chaude / UK: The Night of the Outrages / USA: The Night of the Three Lovers, Max Pécas). From 1972 to 1989, he directed the erotic flicks mentioned here and several porn movies (as Reine Pirau). He also co-wrote and composed the sound track of Lady Chatterley II (Lawrence Webber = Lorenzo Onorati, Italy, 1989).
1972 ◘ Scores (short)
        ◘ Les Maîtresses de Vacances / USA: Sex and the French School Girl (also co-producer, screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Pied! (also screenwriter)
        ◘ Baby Cat (also screenwriter, producer, com­poser)
        ◘ Dortoir des Grandes / US: College Dormitory (also screenwriter, composer)
        ◘ Outrage aux Mœurs (also screenwriter, producer, composer)
1989 ◘ Cœurs de Couleur ((also screenwriter)
   Video Documentaries
1999 ◘ Universal Cops: Israël (medium-length; also producer)
        ◘ Universal Cops: Los Angeles (medium-length; co-director with Georges Chamchoum; also producer)
2001 ◘ Jean Delannoy, 75 Ans de Cinéma (also producer)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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