tran|sub|stan|ti|a|tion — «TRAN suhb STAN shee AY shuhn», noun. 1. a changing of one substance into another; transmutation. 2. in Christian theology: a) the changing of the bread and wine of the Euchari into the substance of the body of Christ, only the appearance of the… … Useful english dictionary
tran·sub·stan·ti·a·tion — /ˌtrænsəbˌstænʃiˈeıʃən/ noun [noncount] : the belief in some Christian religions that the bread and wine given at Communion become the body and blood of Jesus Christ when they are blessed … Useful english dictionary
Thien Tran — (* 17. Juli 1979 in Ho Chi Minh Stadt; † 16. Dezember 2010 in Paris) war ein deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller aus Südvietnam. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werk 2 Einzeltitel 3 Anthologien … Deutsch Wikipedia
transenna — /tran sen euh/, n., pl. transennae / sen ee/. (in early Christian architecture) an openwork screen of stone or metal enclosing a shrine. [ < L tra(n)senna net trap for birds] * * * … Universalium
transubstantiation — /tran seuhb stan shee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. the changing of one substance into another. 2. Theol. the changing of the elements of the bread and wine, when they are consecrated in the Eucharist, into the body and blood of Christ (a doctrine of the… … Universalium
Liste der Biografien/Tr — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
October 2010 in sports — << October 2010 >> S M T W T … Wikipedia
Championnat de France de badminton — Les Championnats de France de badminton ont lieu tous les ans dans différentes catégories : séniors, jeunes (benjamins, minimes, cadets, juniors), vétérans (I, II, III, IV et V) et universitaires. Il existe également un championnat de France … Wikipédia en Français
Musical Atlas — is a series of recordings of traditional music that was made for the International Music Council by the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation (Berlin/Venice) and released on the EMI/Odeon label. The series was… … Wikipedia
November 2010 in sports — << November 2010 >> S M T W … Wikipedia