Tavernier, Bertrand

Tavernier, Bertrand
(April 25, 1941, Lyon, Rhône, France - )
   The son of writer and journalist René Tavernier (l9l5-l989), he was a movie buff as a child. After briefly studying law, he wrote film criticism and published interviews in several magazines and re­views (Les Lettres françaises; Cinéma 60; Les Cahiers du Cinéma; Positif; Télérama; Fiction) and co-founded a cine-club, Le Nickel-odeon. In the l960s, he worked as a publicist for producer Georges de Beauregard while being an assistant director (l961 Léon Morin, Prêtre / Léon Morin prete / UK: Leon Morin, Priest / USA: The Forgiven Sinner, Jean-Pierre Melville, France / Italy; l964 Maciste, gladiatore di Sparta / Maciste, Gladiateur de Sparte / US TV: The Terror of Rome Against the Son of Hercules, Mario Caiano, Italy / France; l965 Una questione d'onore / UK: A Question of Honour, Luigi Zampa, Italy) and collaborating as a screenwriter on a few films (1967 Coplan ouvre le Feu à Mexico / Moresque: Obiettivo allucinante / Entre las redes / USA: Mexican Slayride, as screenwriter, production manager, Riccardo Freda, France / Italy / Spain; 1968 Capitaine Singrid / I mercenari muiono all'alba / Capitao Singrid / UK: Captain Singrid, as co-adapter, co-dialogist, France / Italy / Portugal). Later, he occasionally co-wrote movies again (l983 La Trace, as co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, also co-producer, Bernard Favre; 1990 Der grune Berg, as co-screenwriter, Fredi M. Murer, Switzerland; 2001 Mon Père, il m'a sauvé la Vie, as co-screenwriter, José Giovanni; 2008 Lucifer et moi, Jacques Grand-Jouan). In l977, he created a production company that financed his own films and many others (l977 La Question / USA: The Question, as co-producer, Laurent Heynemann; l991 La Vieille qui marchait dans la Mer / UK and USA: The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea, Laurent Heynemann; l994 Veillées d'Armes: Histoire du Journalisme en Temps de Guerre / The Troubles We've Seen—Die Geschichte der Kriegs-berichterstattung / The Troubles We've Seen: A History of Journalism in Wartime, as delegate producer, two-part documentary: "Premier Voyage", "Deuxième Voyage", Marcel Ophuls, France / Germany / UK; Le Renonce­ment, short; Gil Rabier, Nils Tavernier; 1996 L'\@mour est à réinventer, Dix Histoires d'Amours au Temps du Sida, ten shorts: "Dans la Décapotable", Merzak All-ouache; "Enceinte ou Lesbienne?", Françoise Decaux-Thomelet; "Et alors?", François Dupeyron; "Tout n'est pas en noir", Philippe Faucon; "Tapin du Soir", Anne Fontaine; "Une Nuit ordinaire", Jean-Claude Guiguet; "Un Moment", Pierre Salvadori; "La Mouette", Nils Tavernier; "Les Larmes du Sida", Paul Vecchiali; "De­dans", Marion Vernoux; l997 Fred, as executive producer, Pierre Jolivet; Lumière sur un Massacre, ten shorts: "Ce n'est qu'un Pas", Youssef Chahine; "Le Soldat", "L'Usine", Pierre Jolivet; "La Forêt", Mathieu Kassovitz; "La Chaussure", Pavel Lounguine; "La Pro­thèse", Rithy Panh; "Le Parfait Soldat", Volker Schloen-dorff; "L'Enfant", Coline Serreau; "La Lettre", Bertrand Tavernier; "L'Enquête", Fernando Trueba; Nous habi­tons tous sur une lle déserte, short; Jennifer Devoldère; l998 Restons groupés, as co-producer, Jean-Paul Sa-lomé; 1999 Ma Petite Entreprise; as co-producer, Pierre Jolivet; Les Passagers, as co-producer, Jean-Claude Guiguet; 2000 Pas d'Histoires! 12 Regards sur le Rac­isme au Quotidien, twelve shorts: "Poitiers, Voiture ll", Yves Angelo, François Dupeyron; "Pimprenelle", Yamina Benguigui; "Maman, regarde!", Paul Boujenah; "Mohamed", Catherine Corsini; "Lettre à Abou", Emi­lie Deleuze; "Petits Riens", Xavier Durringer; "Sans Autre, t'es rien", Philippe Jullien; "Tadeus", Philippe Jullien, Jean-Pierre Lemouland; "Cyrano", Vincent Lin-don; "Pas d'Histoire", Philippe Llioret; "Relou", Fanta Régina Nacro; "Le Vigneron français", Christophe Ot-zenberger; Tout près des Etoiles les Danseurs de l'Opéra de Paris, documentary, Nils Tavernier; Clémentine . . . plein de Choses que vous ne savez pas, short, Francis Al-légret; 2001 Le Fruit de nos Entrailles, short, Guillaume Terver; 2002 Le Frère du Guerrier, as co-producer, Pierre Jolivet; Une Affaire privée, as co-producer, Guil­laume Nicloux; 2003 Cette Femme-là / USA: Hanging Offense, as co-producer, Guillaume Nicloux; Père et Fils / USA: Fathers and Sons, as co-producer, Michel Boujenah, France / Canada). An occasional technical adviser (1981 L'Homme fragile, Claire Clouzot; 1990 Un Eté après l'Autre / Impasse de la Vignette, Anne-Marie Etienne, France / Belgium; l991 Ragazzi, Mama Keïta; Jalousie, Kathleen Fonmarty; l997 Vive la Mariée et la Libération du Kurdistan, Hiner Saleem) and actor (l963 La Boulangère de Monceau / UK and USA: The Baker of Monceau / The Baker's Girl of Monceau / The Girl at the Monceau Bakery, short, Eric Rohmer; l993 Faut-il aimer Mathilde, Edwin Baily, l997 Quand le Chat sourit, short, Sabine Azéma, Canada), he appeared as himself in numerous documentaries shot for cinema (l988 Hôtel Terminus / Hôtel Terminus: Klaus Barbie, sa Vie et son Temps / Hotel Terminus—Leben und Zeit von Klaus Barbie / Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie, Marcel Ophuls, France / West Germany / USA; 1993 Les Demoiselles ont eu 25 Ans, Agnès Varda; François Truffaut, Portraits volés / UK and USA: François Truffaut: Stolen Portraits, Michel Pascal, Serge Toubiana; 1995 L'Univers de Jacques Demy, Agnès Varda, France / Belgium / Spain; 2003 Claude Sautet ou La Magie invisible / Claude Sautet oder Die unsichtbare Magie, N. T. Binh; 2005 Cineastes en accio / Cineastas en acciôn, Carlos Benpar, Spain; 2007 Man of Cinema: Pierre Ris-sient, Todd MacCarthy, USA) and TV (l981 Dialogue pour un Portrait: Philippe Noiret, Dominique Varenne; Le Petit Mitchell illustré, Gérard Jourd'hui; l990 Gilles Grangier, 50 Ans de Cinéma, Maurice Delbez; l994 Jean Renoir: Part One—From La Belle Epoque to World War II, David Thompson, UK; Jean Renoir: Part Two—Hol­lywood and Beyond, David Thompson, UK; l995 The Making of an Englishman, Kevin MacDonald, UK; l996 Philippe le Bienheureux, Claude Fléouter; Un Film sur BertrandTavernier, Nils Tavernier; The Lumière Brothers' First Films, as narrator; 1997 Cannes . . . les 400 Coups, Gilles Nadeau; 2000 In the Shadow of Hollywood / A l'Ombre d'Hollywood, Sylvie Groulx, Canada; American Masters, episode "Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shad­ows", Bruce Ricker, USA / UK; 2002 Compositeurs / Réalisateurs, Dialogue impossible?, Vincent Perrot; 2003 L'Homme au Cigare, Andy Bausch, Luxembourg; Positif, une Revue, Bernard Cohn; 2005 Jacques Deray: Le Cinéma . . . ma Vie, Marie Halopeau; Artworks Scotland, Michael Powell, Simon Pitts, UK). He co-authored with Jean-Pierre Coursodon a book, Trente Ans de Cinéma Américain, in 1970. An augmented reedition was pub­lished in l995 ( Cinquante Ans de Cinéma américain, Editions Omnibus). His son, Nils Tavernier (b. l965), is an actor and film director.
        ◘ La Chance et l'Amour / L'amore e la chance (episode "Le Jeu de la Chance ou Une Chance explosive"; also screenwriter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les Baisers / I baci / Una voglia matta di donna (episode "Baiser de Judas"; shot in l963; France / Italy)
1974 ◘ L'Horloger de Saint-Paul / UK: The Watchmaker of St. Paul / USA: The Clockmaker of St. Paul (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Que la Fête commence / USA: Let Joy Reign Su­preme (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Le Juge et l'Assassin / UK and USA: The Judge and the Assassin (also co-screenwriter, co-di-alogist)
        ◘ Des Enfants gâtés / UK and USA: Spoiled Children (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
1980 ◘ La Mort en Direct / Der Gekaufte Tod / Death Watch—Der gekaufte Tod / UK and USA: Death Watch / USA: Deathwatch (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer; France / West Germany)
        ◘ Une Semaine de Vacances / UK: A Week's Holi­day / USA: A Week's Vacation (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
1981 ◘ Coup de Torchon / UK: Clean Up / USA: Clean Slate (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
        ◘ Ciné Citron (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Mississipi Blues (documentary; also co-screenwriter, delegate producer; co-director with Robert Parrish; France / USA)
        ◘ Un Dimanche à la Campagne / UK and USA: A Sunday in the Country (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
        ◘ 'Round Midnight / Autour de Minuit (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer; USA / France)
        ◘ La Passion Béatrice / Quarto comandamento / USA: Beatrice / US video: The Passion of Beat­rice (also co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ La Vie et rien d'autre / UK and USA: Life and Nothing But (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-producer)
        ◘ Daddy Nostalgie / UK: These Foolish Things / USA: Daddy Nostalgia (also co-dialogist, co-producer)
        ◘ Contre l'Oubli / Ecrire contre l'Oubli / Against Ob­livion / Lest We Forget (documentary; segment "Pour Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar")
        ◘ La Guerre sans Nom (documentary; also co-screenwriter, co-producer)
        ◘ L627 (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
        ◘ La Fille de d'Artagnan / UK: D'Artagnan's Daugh­ter / The Daughter of d'Artagnan / US video: Re­venge of the Musketeers (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer; co-director with Riccardo Freda)
        ◘ L'Appât (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
        ◘ Capitaine Conan (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
1999 ◘ Ça commence aujourd'hui / UK and USA: It All Starts Today (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer)
2002 ◘ Laissez-passer / Salvoconducto / UK and USA: Safe Conduct (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer; shot in 2000-200l)
2004 ◘ Holy Hola (also co-producer)
2008 ◘ In the Electric Mist (USA)
 Television Filmography
1982 ◘ Philippe Soupault et le Surréalisme (documentary; also screenwriter, actor)
1988 ◘ Lyon, le Regard intérieur (documentary)
1997 ◘ La Lettre (short included in Lumière sur un Massacre; also producer)
        ◘ De l'Autre Côté du Périph / USA: The Other Side of the Tracks (documentary; also co-producer; co-director with Nils Tavernier)
2001 ◘ Les Enfants de Thiès (documentary; also co-producer; co-director with Nils Tavernier)
        ◘ Histoires de Vies brisées: Les "double Peine" de Lyon (documentary; also co-producer; co-director with Nils Tavernier)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Tavernier, Bertrand — (1941 )    Actor, director, film critic, producer, and screenwriter. Bertrand Tavernier is one of France s most acclaimed directors. He began as a cinéphile and film critic for Positif and Cahiers du cinéma and as an assistant to Jean Pierre… …   Guide to cinema

  • Tavernier, Bertrand — (1941 )    Actor, director, film critic, producer, and screenwriter. Bertrand Tavernier is one of France s most acclaimed directors. He began as a cinéphile and film critic for Positif and Cahiers du cinéma and as an assistant to Jean Pierre… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Tavernier, Bertrand — (1941 )    critic, cinematographer A leading motion picture director and screenwriter known for his studies of complex interpersonal relationships, Bertrand Tavernier was born in lyon and studied law before beginning a career as a film critic. He …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Tavernier, Bertrand — • ТАВЕРНЬЕ (Tavernier) Бертран (р. 25.4.1941)    франц. режиссёр. Начинал ассист. режиссёра и соавтором сц. многих фильмов. В 60 х гг. был кинокритиком ж. Cinema , Positif , Cahiers du cinema . Автор кн. 30 лет американского кино (с Ж. П.… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Bertrand Tavernier — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bertrand Tavernier Bertrand Tavernier (Lyon; 25 de abril de 1941); director, escritor, actor, y productor francés …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bertrand Tavernier — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tavernier. Bertrand Tavernier …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bertrand Tavernier — (b. April 25, 1941 in Lyon) is a French director, screenwriter, actor, and producer. He was married to Colo O Hagen from 1965 to 1980. His son, Nils Tavernier (born September 1, 1965), works as both a director and actor.His early work was… …   Wikipedia

  • Bertrand Tavernier — (2010) Bertrand Tavernier (* 25. April 1941 in Lyon, Frankreich) ist ein französischer Filmregisseur. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tavernier — can stand for:People* Bertrand Tavernier, French filmmaker * Jean Baptiste Tavernier (1605 1689), a French explorer * Jean Baptiste Tavernier Boullongne (1749 1794) * Jules Tavernier (1844 1889), French painter * Yves Tavernier, French politicus… …   Wikipedia

  • Tavernier (Begriffsklärung) — Tavernier ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bertrand Tavernier (* 1941), französischer Filmregisseur Jean Baptiste Tavernier (1605–1689), französischer Reisender Nils Tavernier (* 1965), französischer Filmregisseur und Schauspieler, Sohn… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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