Tati, Jacques

Tati, Jacques
(Jacques Tatischeff / October 9, 1907, Le Pecq, Yvelines, France - November 4, 1982, Paris, France)
   His Russian grandfather settled in Paris as the czar's ambassador, and his other grandfather was Vincent Van Gogh's framer. After completing his secondary studies, he worked with his father (a framer as well) while preparing for the entrance into L'Ecole des Arts et Métiers. He spent some time in England, where he was introduced to boxing, soccer, rugby, and tennis. In 1931, he made his cabaret debut as a mime. Us­ing his music hall repertory, he entered films as an actor and screenwriter in comic shorts (1932 Oscar, Champion de Tennis, short, Jack Forrester; 1934 On demande une Brute, short, also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, Charles Barrois; 1935 Gai Dimanche, short, also co-screenwriter, Jacques Berr; 1937 Soigne ton Gauche, short, also screenwriter, René Clément). Seen in a handful of movies (1946 Sylvie et le Fantôme / UK: Sylvia and the Ghost / USA: Sylvia and the Phantom, Claude Autant-Lara; 1947 Le Diable au Corps / USA: Devil in the Flesh, uncredited, Claude Autant-Lara; 1967 Cours du Soir, short, Nicolas Ribowski; 1972 Obraz uz obraz, episode directed by Zdravko Sotra, Yugoslavia), he wrote, directed, and performed only six feature films.
1938 ◘ Retour à la Terre (short; also screenwriter)
1947 ◘ L'Ecole des Facteurs / UK and USA: School for Postmen (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)
1949 ◘ Jour de Fête / UK and USA: Holiday / The Big Day (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; shot in 1947)
1953 ◘ Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot / UK: Monsieur Hulot's Holiday / USA: Mr. Hulot's Holiday (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, co-producer; shot in 1952-1953)
1958 ◘ Mon Oncle / Mio zio / UK and USA: My Uncle (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist, co-producer; France / Italy; shot in 1956-1957)
1967 ◘ Playtime (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; France / Italy; shot in 1964-1965)
1971 ◘ Trafic / Monsieur Hulot nel caos del traffico / UK and USA: Traffic (also screenwriter; France / Italy)
1974 ◘ Parade (originally shot for TV; France / Swe­den)
1978 ◘ Forza Bastia ou 78 Lille en Fête (documentary; co-director with Sophie Tatischeff)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Tati, Jacques — orig. Jacques Tatischeff born Oct. 9, 1908, Le Pecq, France died Nov. 5, 1982, Paris French film actor and director. He became a popular music hall entertainer in the 1930s with a pantomime act that caricatured athletes. After appearing in comedy …   Universalium

  • Tati, Jacques — (1907 1982)    Actor and director. Jacques Tati was born Jacques Tatischeff in Le Pecq. He studied the arts while also practicing boxing, rugby, and tennis. He worked in cabarets and music halls where he used his athletic talent to imitate famous …   Guide to cinema

  • Tati, Jacques — (1907 1982)    Actor and director. Jacques Tati was born Jacques Tatischeff in Le Pecq. He studied the arts while also practicing boxing, rugby, and tennis. He worked in cabarets and music halls where he used his athletic talent to imitate famous …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Tati, Jacques — (1908 1982)    cinematographer    Born Jacques Tatischeff in Le Pecq, Jacques Tati began his career in the music halls of Paris, where he pantomimed various characters before becoming a celebrated personality of French comic cinema, best known… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Tati, Jacques — • ТАТИ (Tati) Жак (наст. фам. Татищев) (9.10.1908 5.11.1982)    франц. режиссёр, актёр. Занимался спортом. Был эстрадным комиком эксцентриком, выступал со спортивными пантомимами , послужившими затем основой к/м ф. с его участием: Оскар, чемпион… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Tati, Jacques — ► (1908 82) Nombre artístico de Jacques Tatischeff, actor y director cinematográfico francés. Fue el cómico que mejor satirizó a la sociedad moderna. Películas: Mi tío, Día de fiesta (1949) y Trafic (1968 70), entre otras. * * * orig. Jacques… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tati, Jacques — soprannome di Tatiščev, Jacques …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Tati — Tati, Jacques …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jacques Tatischeff — Jacques Tati Jacques Tati Nom de naissance Jacques Tatischeff Naissance 9 octobre 1907[1] Le Pecq, France Nationalité(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jacques Tati — Nombre real Jacques Tatischeff Nacimiento 9 de octubre de 1907[1] Le Pecq, Francia Fallecimiento 4 de noviembre de 1982, 75 años …   Wikipedia Español

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