Szabo, Lâszlô

Szabo, Lâszlô
(March 24, 1936, Budapest, Hungary-)
   Having settled in France in 1956, he had made his act­ing debut in Hungary in 1951 (Utkôset békében, Viktor Gertler). From 1958 (Les Cousins / USA: The Cousins, Claude Chabrol) to 2008 (Lucifer et moi, Jacques Grand-Jouan), he played supporting roles in more than 120 films and TV movies, including half a dozen Jean-Luc Godard motion pictures (1962 Vivre sa Vie / UK: It's My Life / USA: My Life to Live; 1963 Le Petit Soldat / UK and USA: The Little Soldier; 1964 Les plus grandes Escroqueries du Monde / Le più belle truffe del mondo / De Wereld wil bedrogen worden, segment "Le Grand Escroc", Jean-Luc Godard, France / Italy / Japan / Netherlands; 1965 Alphaville, une étrange Aventure de Lemmy Caution / Agente Lemmy Caution, missione Alphaville / USA: Dick Tracy on Mars, Jean-Luc Godard, France / Italy; Pierrot le Fou / Il bandito delle ore undici / Il bandito delle undici / UK: Crazy Pete / Pierrot Goes Wild / UK and USA: Pierrot le Fou, France / Italy; 1966 Made in U.S.A.; 1967 Week-End / Week-End, un uomo e una donna dal sabato alla domenica / USA: Weekend, France / Italy; 1982 Passion / USA: Godard's Passion, France / Switzerland). He has directed films in France and Hungary.
1966 ◘ Les Jeux de Libreville (documentary)
1970 ◘ Le Voyage du Lieutenant Le Bihan (short)
1973 ◘ Les Gants blancs du Diable (also screenwriter, dialogist; shot in 1971)
1975 ◘ Zig-Zig / Due prostitute a Pigalle / USA: Zig-Zag (also screenwriter, dialogist; France / Italy)
1985 ◘ David, Thomas et les Autres / Sortuz egy fekete bivalyért (also co-screenwriter; France / Hun­gary)
1990 ◘ La Terre en Héritage: Budapest (documentary)
1992 ◘ Rouge Mercure
2003 ◘ Az Ember, aki nappal aludt (also screenwriter, dialogist; Hungary)
 Television Filmography
1991 ◘ Lola et quelques Autres (TV series, co-director only)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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