- Saire, Jean-Pierre
- (1944, Fougerolles, Haute-Saône, France - )He directed three shorts before becoming an assistant director (1973 Le Mataf / Tre per una granda rapina, Serge Leroy, France / Italy; 1978 Sophie et le Capitaine, Liliane de Kermadec, unfinished; Il était une Fois un Musicien, TV, episode "Monsieur Rachmaninoff", Roger Hanin). He also was a technical adviser (1985 Les Nanas / UK festival: Girls, Girls, Girls, Annick Lanoë) but worked mainly as a co-producer (1995 Guiltrip / Guiltrip, la colpa, Gerard Stembridge, Ireland / France / Italy), producer (2000 Le Comte du Ventre plein, Mel-vin Van Peebles, France / Netherlands), or executive producer (1990 La Femme et le Pantin / La mujer y el pelele, Mario Camus, France / Spain; Les Disparus de Saint-Agil, Jean-Louis Benoît; 1997 A bacia de John Wayne / Le Bassin de J.W., Joâo César Monteiro, Portugal / France; 1999 Civilisées, Randa Chahal Sabagg, France / Lebanon; 2001 Tosca, Benoît Jacquot, Italy / France / UK / Germany; 2006 La Planète blanche / USA: The White Planet, documentary, Jean Lemire, Thierry Piantanida, Thierry Ragobert). He created several production companies: Salud Productions (1979) and Etamp (with French and Czech partners, 1990).Filmography1971 ◘ Hier c'est demain (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)◘ Le Voyage à travers la Ville (short)◘ Loupées qu'on les apppelle (short)1983 ◘ Le Retour de Christophe Colon (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; shot in 1981)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.