Saint-Laurent, Cécil

Saint-Laurent, Cécil
(Jacques Laurent / January 6, 1919, Paris, France - December 28, 2000, Paris, France)
   Educated at the Lycée Condorcet, he was a journalist and then a successful novelist. In 1947, he published his first novel (La Mort à boire, Jean Froissart). He wrote "serious literature" under his real name and popular stories as Cécil Saint-Laurent (the Caroline Chérie's series), Gilles Bargy and Laurent Labattut (detective novels), and Roland de Jarnèze (sentimen­tal novels). Several of his works were brought to the screen (1951 Caroline Chérie / USA: Dear Caroline, Richard Pottier; 1953 Un Caprice de Caroline chérie / USA: Caroline Chérie, Jean Devaivre; 1955 Le Fils de Caroline Chérie / UK: Caroline and the Rebels / USA: The Son of Dear Caroline, Jean Devaivre; Les Mauvaises Rencontres, Alexandre Astruc; 1968 Caroline chérie / Caroline Chérie: Schôn wie die Sunde, Denys de La Patel-lière, France / West Germany), and he collaborated as a screenwriter on a dozen productions, including a couple of modern adaptations of Stendhal's novels (1964 De l'Amour / La calda pelle / UK: All About Lov­ing, Jean Aurel, France / Italy; 1967 Lamiel, Jean Aurel, France / Italy) and of Max Ophuls's Lola Montès / Lola Montez / UK: The Fall of Lola Montes / USA: The Sins of Lola Montes (1955, France / West Germany).
1969 ◘ Quarante-Huit Heures d'Amour / USA: 48 Hours of Love (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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