Ravel, Gaston

Ravel, Gaston
(October 28, 1878, Paris, France-February 23, 1958, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France)
   A former actor, dramatic arts teacher, and journalist, he joined Gaumont as a screenwriter in 1910. He wrote two Jacques Feyder movies, both released in 1916: L'Instinct est maître (three parts) and Têtes de Femmes, Femmes de Têtes.
        ◘ L'Avocate (two parts short)
        ◘ L'Ambition de Madame Cabassoul (short)
        ◘ L'Autre Victoire (short)
        ◘ La Bouquetière des Catalans (short)
        ◘ La Dot (short)
        ◘ La Duchesse d'Aiglemont (short)
        ◘ L'Affaire énigmatique (short)
        ◘ L'Amoureuse Aventure (short)
        ◘ La Fille aux Pieds nus (short)
        ◘ L'Heure tragique (short)
        ◘ Les Leçons de la Guerre (short)
1915 ◘ L'Art d'être grand-Mère (short)
        ◘ Nicole de Tréguier (short)
        ◘ Celle qui tua (short)
        ◘ Son Ecran / L'Ecran (short)
        ◘ Triple Entente (short)
        ◘ Roman de la Midinette (short; co-director with Louis Feuillade)
        ◘ La Barrière (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Honneur du Nom (short)
        ◘ Sainte-Odile (short)
        ◘ Les Trois Rats (short)
        ◘ Le Trophée du Zouave (short)
        ◘ La Petite Réfugiée (short)
        ◘ Le Cœur de Vingt Ans (short)
        ◘ La Nouvelle Ninon (short)
        ◘ La Dernière des Fées (short)
        ◘ Le Faux Moribond (short)
        ◘ Le Grand Souffle (short)
        ◘ L'Innocent (short)
        ◘ Le Même Sang (short)
1916 ◘ Autour d'une Bague (short)
        ◘ En Musique (short)
        ◘ Des Pieds et des Mains (short; completed by Jacques Feyder)
        ◘ Madame Fleur de Neige (short)
        ◘ Cœur fragile (short)
        ◘ Monsieur Pinson, Policier (short; also screenwriter, adapter; completed by Jacques Feyder)
        ◘ Lille d'Eve (short)
1917 ◘ L'Escapade de l'Ingénue
        ◘ Le Fils de la Divette
        ◘ Du Rire aux Larmes
        ◘ La Femme inconnue
        ◘ La Maison d'Argile (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Ce Bon La Fontaine
        ◘ Oltre la legge / Il nodo / Più che la legge (Italy)
        ◘ I giogo (Italy)
        ◘ Temi (Italy)
        ◘ Lorse che si forse che no (Italy)
        ◘ Cosmopolis (two parts: "Battaglia delle razze", "La vittime espiatorie"; also screenwriter, adapter; Italy)
1921 ◘ La Geôle (also screenwriter; shot in 1918)
        ◘ Saracinesca (Italy)
        ◘ La Madonna errante (Italy)
        ◘ L'Envolée (Italy)
        ◘ Rabagas (Italy)
        ◘ Idillio tragico (Italy)
        ◘ Latale bellezza (Italy)
        ◘ Tao / Le Fantôme noir (ten episodes: "Le Se­cret du Bonze", "Une Trame subtile", "Sous le Masque", "Histoire d'un Vol", "Les Més­aventures de Bilboquet", "L'Etau se resserre", "De Paris à Dakar", "Haine et Amours", "Le Mariage de Raymonde", "Dans l'Ombre du Temple"; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Lerragus
        ◘ On ne badine pas avec l'Amour / USA: No Trifling with Love (co-director with Tony Lekain)
        ◘ Le Gardien de Feu La Rue Tarpea (Italy)
        ◘ Jocaste (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ L'Avocat (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Chouchou Poids Plume
        ◘ Le Fauteuil 47 / Parkettsessel (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Germany)
        ◘ Mademoiselle Josette, ma Femme / Fràulein Jo­sette, meine Frau (France / Germany)
        ◘ Le Roman d'un jeune Homme pauvre / Mit Gift Jàger / USA: The Novel of a Poor Young Man (France / Germany)
        ◘ Le Bonheur du Jour Madame Récamier
        ◘ Figaro
        ◘ Le Collier de la Reine / L'Affaire du Collier de la Reine (co-director with Tony Lekain)
        ◘ L'Etrangère (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; co-director with Amleto Palermi of the Italian-language version: La straniera)
        ◘ Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (co-director with Tony Lekain)
1934 ◘ Fanatisme (co-director with Tony Lekain; shot in 1932)
        ◘ Le Rosaire (co-director with Tony Lekain)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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