Quentin, Florence

Quentin, Florence
(September 5, 1946, Bort-les-Orgues, Corrèze, France - )
   A former assistant film director (1983 A nos Amours / UK and USA: To Our Loves, Maurice Pialat; 1984 Sauvage et Beau / UK and USA: Wild and Beautiful, documentary, Frédéric Rossif), she became a suc­cessful screenwriter thanks to her collaboration with Etienne Chatiliez (1988 La Vie est un long Fleuve tranquille / UK and USA: Life Is a Long Quiet Riven 1990 Tatie Danielle; 1995 Le Bonheur est dans le Pré / USA: Happiness Is in the Field). She wrote or co-wrote a couple of movies (1992 La Fille de l'Air, Maroun Bag-dadi; 1997 XXL, Ariel Zeïtoun; 1998 Que la Lumière soit! / USA: Let There Be Light, Arthur Joffé) before making her feature directing debut.
2001 ◘ J'ai faim!!! (also screenwriter, dialogist)
2005 ◘ Olé! (also co-screenwriter)
2008 ◘ Leur Morale . . . et la nôtre (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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