Prévost, Jean-Pierre

Prévost, Jean-Pierre
(March 27, 1942, France-)
   Having graduated with a mathematics doctorate from the University of Caen, he also holds a doctorate in aesthetics from the University of Nanterre. He directed his first movie in 1971 and co-wrote a TV movie (1999 Les Montagnes bleues, Paolo Barzman).
1971 ◘ Jupiter (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
1975 ◘ L'Homme du Fleuve (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist, shot in 1973)
 Television Filmography
1980 ◘ Pollufission
        ◘ Une Puce dans la Fourrure
1981 ◘ Médecins de Nuit (episode "La Pension Michel"; France / West Germany)
        ◘ Faust au Village (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
        ◘ La Princesse lointaine (short; also screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ La Vie des Autres (episode "L'Ascension de Ca­therine Sarrazin"; 4 X 60')
        ◘ Chimère (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Médecins de Nuit (episode "Le Mensonge")
        ◘ La Vie des Autres (episode "La Jauneraie"; 2 X 60')
        ◘ Hôtel de Police (5 X 52'; co-director only )
        ◘ Maguy (333 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Crimes passionnels (episode "Angèle"; also di­rector of collection)
        ◘ Médecins de Nuit (episodes "Mot de Passe", "Marie-Charlotte", "Happy Birthday")
        ◘ Marc et Sophie (32 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Diamonds (4 X 60'; co-director only; Canada)
        ◘ Vivement Lundi (16 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Katts and Dog (2 X 26'; Canada)
        ◘ Bordertown / Les Deux font la Loi (co-director only; USA / France / Canada)
        ◘ Tribunal (30 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Les Compagnons de l'Aventure (6 X 26'; three seasons: "Les Six Compagnons", "Michel", "Lola et les Sardines"; co-director only)
1990 ◘ Constance et Vicky (13 X 52'; co-director only)
        ◘ Crimes passionnels (episode "Alice"; also direc­tor of collection)
        ◘ Black Stallion / L'Etalon noir / The Adventures of Black Stallion / The New Adventures of Black
        ◘ Stallion (I X 26'; Canada / France / New Zealand)
1991 ◘ Premiers Baisers (325 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Counterstrike / Force de Frappe (episode "The Dilemma"; USA / Canada / France)
        ◘ Fly by Night / Attachez vos Ceintures (2 X 45'; Canada / France)
1992 ◘ La Guerre des Privés (episode "La Guerre des Privés")
        ◘ Le Triplé gagnant / Rocca (episode "Le Grand Chêne")
        ◘ Counterstrike / Force de Frappe (episodes "Cherchez la Femme", "Dead Heat", "No Honour Among Thieves"; USA / Canada / France)
1993 ◘ Une Famille pas comme les Autres (52 X 26'; co-director only)
        ◘ Counterstrike / Force de Frappe (episodes "Free to Kill", "French Twist"; USA / Canada / France)
        ◘ Une Petite Fille particulière / Le Billet de Loterie (also co-screenwriter; France / Canada)
        ◘ Un Siècle d'Ecrivains (documentary; episode "André Gide"; also co-screenwriter)
1998 ◘ Marie Fransson (episode "Un Silence si lourd")
        ◘ Le Prince des Imposteurs (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Siècle d'Ecrivains (episode "René Guy Ca-dou")
        ◘ Relic Hunter / Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin / Sydney Fox l'Aventurière (episodes "Love Let­ter", "Possessed"; France / Germany / Canada / USA)
        ◘ Largo Winch / Largo Winch-Gefahrliches Erbe (4 X 52'; France / Germany / Canada / Belgium)
        ◘ Docteur la Mort (documentary; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Crim' (episodes "Magie noire", "Destins croisés", "Meurtre dans un Jardin français", "Le Syndrome d'Asperger", "Hammam", "")
        ◘ La Crim' (episodes "L'Affaire Scandella", "Un Crime virulent", "Camille", "Le Syndrome de Korsakov", "Dies Irae", "Jeu d'Enfant")
        ◘ Léa Parker (episodes "L'Appât", "Haute Ten­sion", "Trahison", "Racket", "Trafic de Luxe", "Révélations: Part I", "Révélations: Part 2")
        ◘ La Crim' (episodes "Douleur assassine", "Au Nom du Père", "Une Mort pour une Autre")
        ◘ Léa Parker (episodes "Souffle court", "La Loi du Cirque", "Les Marianne", "Double Jeu")
2006 ◘ Léa Parker (episodes "Menaces", "L'Appel du Cœur", "Risque majeur", "En Immersion", "Chantage", "En Voie de Disparition")
        ◘ Catherine Gide (documentary; also screenwriter)
2008 ◘ Duval et Moretti (episodes "Otages", "L'Impos­teur")

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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