Poligny, Serge de

Poligny, Serge de
(April 14, 1903, Paris, France-March 23, 1983, Paris, France)
   After studying at the Beaux-Arts, he started his film career as a production designer at the Paramount studios of Joinville. His first movies were shorts and French-language versions of German films.
1931 ◘ Ménages ultra-modernes (short)
        ◘ Une Brune piquante / La Femme à Barbe (short)
1932 ◘ Les As du Turf / Canari / USA: Aces of the Turf
        ◘ Vous serez ma Femme (French-language version of Carl Boese and Heinz Hille's Der Frechdachs; Germany / France)
        ◘ Coup de Feu à l'Aube (French-language version of Alfred Zeisler's Schuss im Morgengrauen; Germany / France)
1933 ◘ Rivaux de la Piste (French-language version of Alfred Zeisler's Strich durch die Rechnung; Germany / France)
        ◘ L'Etoile de Valencia (French-language version of Alfred Zeisler's Stern von Valencia; Germany / France)
        ◘ L'Or (French-language version of Karl Hartl's Das Gold; Germany / France)
        ◘ Un de la Montagne (co-director with René Le Hénaff)
        ◘ Lonny haute Couture
        ◘ Retour au Paradis (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
1937 ◘ La Chanson du Souvenir (French-language ver­sion of Detlef Sierck's Das Hofkonzert; Germany / France)
        ◘ Claudine à l'Ecole
1939 ◘ Le Veau gras
1943 ◘ Le Baron Fantôme / UK: The Phantom Baron (also screenwriter, co-adapter)
1945 ◘ La Fiancée des Ténèbres (also co-screenwriter)
1947 ◘ Torrents (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1950 ◘ La Soif des Hommes / USA: Thirst of Men (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1953 ◘ Alger-Le Cap (documentary; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Cent Ans de Gloire—La Médaille militaire (also screenwriter)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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