Piantanida, Thierry

Piantanida, Thierry
   Having trained as a journalist, he was the manager of Equipe Cousteau's publishing department for seven years. Besides the documentaries he co-directed, he collaborated as a screenwriter on other movies (2001 Le Géant de la Vallée perdue, documentary, Thierry Machado; 2002 L'Empreinte des Dinosaures, documentary, Marco Visalberghi, Maurice Ribière).
2006 ◘ La Planète blanche / USA: The White Planet (co-director with Thierry Ragobert; also co-screenwriter)
 Television Filmography
        ◘ 10000 Miles dans les Glaces (documentary; co-director with Jean Lemire)
        ◘ Mission Arctique (documentary; Jean Lemire, Alain Belhumeur, Caroline Underwood, Car­los Ferrand, Patricia Henriquez; released on DVD in 2005 as Mission Arctique, la grande Traversée)
2007 ◘ Un Monde sans Glace, le nouvel Eldorado (documentary)
        ◘ Un Monde sans Glace, la Vie en Sursis (documentary)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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