Parreno, Philippe

Parreno, Philippe
(1964, Oran, Algeria-)
   A plastic artist, he co-founded a production com­pany, Anna Sanders Films, which financed experi­mental movies. Other credit (as co-screenwriter, co-cinematographer): 1999 Le Pont du Trieur (short, Charles de Meaux).
1994 ◘ La Nuit des Héros (short)
        ◘ Credits (short)
        ◘ Le Pont du Trieur (short; co-director with Charles de Meaux; also co-screenwriter, co-cinematographer)
        ◘ El sueno de una cosa (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Boy From Mars (short)
2005 ◘ Zidane, un Portrait du XXIe Siècle (documentary; co-director with Douglas Gordon; France / Iceland)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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