Beineix, Jean-Jacques

Beineix, Jean-Jacques
(October 8, 1946, Paris, France - )
   After studying literature and medicine, he landed a job of trainee assistant to Jean Becker on the Les Saintes-Chéries TV series. He remained assistant for almost ten years (1971 Le Bateau sur l'Herbe / USA: The Boat on the Grass, Gérard Brach; 1972 The Day the Clown Cried, Jerry Lewis, USA; La Course du Lièvre à travers les Champs / La corsa delle lepre attraverso i campi / USA: And Hope to Die, René Clément, France / Italy; 1973 Il y aura une Fois ... , short, Fabienne Chauveau; Une Journée bien remplie / Una giornata spesa bene ov-vero nove strani omicidi commessi in una sola giornata da uno che non è del mestiere / Una giornata spesa bene, Jean-Louis Trintignant, France / Italy; Défense de savoir / L'uomo in basso a destra nella fotografia, Nadine Trintignant, France / Italy; 1974 Par le Sang des Autres / By the Blood of Others, Marc Simenon, France / Italy / Canada; Le Vagabond, 28 X 13'; Claude-Jean Bon-nardot; 1975 Le Mâle du Siècle / UK and USA: Male of the Century, Claude Berri; La Course à l'Echalote / Der Tolpatsch mit dem sechsten Sinn / Der lange Blonde und die kleine Schwarze / Mich laust der Affe / UK and USA: The Wild Goose Chase, Claude Zidi, France / West Germany; 1976 L'Aile ou la Cuisse, Claude Zidi; 1977 L'Animal / USA: Stuntwoman / The Animal, Claude Zidi; 1979 French Postcards / Wer geht denn noch zur Uni?, Willard Huyck, USA / France / West Germany). Also a producer (1989 Le Grand Cirque, documentary, Bruno Delbonnel; 2006 Requiem for Billy the Kid / Requiem pour Billy the Kid, documentary, as executive producer, Anne Feinsilber, France / USA; Allez, Yallah!, documentary, Jean-Pierre Thorn; Cosmic Connexion, TV, Marc Cusset, Anne Jaffrennou), he appeared in documentaries (2008 Mémoires du Cinéma français, de la Libération à nos Jours, Hubert Niogret; Bleu comme Diva: Souvenirs d'un Film culte, documentary, Jérôme Wybon). Autobiography: 2006 Les Chantiers de la Gloire (Editions Fayard).
1977 ◘ Le Chien de Monsieur Michel (short)
1980 ◘ Diva (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, dialogist)
1983 ◘ La Lune dans le Caniveau / Lo specchio del desi-derio / USA: The Moon in the Gutter (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
1986 ◘ 37°2 le Matin / UK and USA: Betty Blue (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
1989 ◘ Roselyne et les Lions / USA: Roselyne and the Lions (also co-screenwriter)
1992 ◘ IP5, l'Ile aux Pachydermes (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
1994 ◘ Okatu (documentary; co-director with Jackie Bastide)
2001 ◘ Mortel Transfert / Mortal Transfert (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist; France / Canada)
 Television Filmography
1997 ◘ Assigné à Résidence / Released on British TV as an episode of Works TV series: Locked in Syndrom / US: The Diving Bell and the Papillon (documentary short)
2002 ◘ Loft Paradox (documentary)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Beineix, Jean-Jacques — (1946 )    Director, screenwriter, and producer. Jean Jacques Beineix initially planned to become a doctor, and in fact, began studying medicine in 1966 before the events of May 1968 inspired him to turn to a career in film. He first studied… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

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  • Beineix — Jean Jacques Beineix Jean Jacques Beineix Jean Jacques Beineix en novembre 2006 lors du « 26ème Festival international du film d Amiens » …   Wikipédia en Français

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