Becker, Jacques

Becker, Jacques
(September 15, 1906, Paris,
   France-February 21, 1960, Paris, France)
   The son of a French industrialist father and a Scottish clothes designer, Margaret Burns, he studied at the Lycée Condorcet, then at la Schola Cantorum. He started his professional life working in a battery factory. In the mid-1920s, he was a luggage employee on a boat that connected Le Havre to New York and met filmmaker King Vidor during a crossing. Vidor offered him the opportunity to work with him in Hollywood, but he turned down the proposal. He finally made his film debut as actor in Jean Renoir's Le Bled (1929) and became assistant director to Auguste Renoir's son (1932 La Nuit du Carrefour / USA: Night at the Cross­roads, also production manager; Boudu sauvé des Eaux / USA: Boudu Saved from Drowning, also actor; 1933 Chotard et Compagnie, also actor; Madame Bovary; Les Bas-Fonds / UK: Underworld / USA: The Lower Depths / Underground, also actor; Partie de Campagne / Une Partie de Campagne, medium-length, also actor; La Grande Illusion / USA: The Grand Illusion, also actor; 1938 La Marseillaise / UK: The Marseillaise) and to Albert Valentin (1940 L'Héritier des Mondésir). He gave up the shooting of his first film, L'Or du Cristobal, after three weeks and disowned it. He was the father of director Jean Becker (b. 1933), cinematographer Etienne Becker (1936-1995), and former script girl Sophie Becker. From 1956 to his death, he was mar­ried to actress Françoise Fabian (b. 1933). Other credit (as bit player): 1938 La Bête humaine / UK: Judas Was a Woman / USA: The Human Beast (Jean Renoir).
1935 ◘ Tête de Turc / Une Tête qui rapporte (medium-length)
        ◘ Le Commissaire est bon Enfant, le Gendarme est sans Pitié (medium-length; co-director with Pierre Prévert; also screenwriter, adapter, actor)
1936 ◘ La Vie est à nous / UK and USA: The People of France (co-director with Jean Renoir, Jean-Paul Dreyfus / Jean-Paul Le Chanois, André Zwobada, Pierre Unik, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paul Vaillant-Couturier, Jacques-Bernard Brunius; also co-screenwriter, actor)
1940 ◘ L'Or du Cristobal (completed by Jean Stelli)
        ◘ Dernier Atout
        ◘ Goupi Mains Rouges / USA: It Happened at the Inn
1945 ◘ Falbalas / USA: Paris Frills (also co-adapter, co-dialogist)
1947 ◘ Antoine et Antoinette / UK and USA: Antoine and Antoinette (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
1949 ◘ Rendez-vous de Juillet (also co-screenwriter, dialogist)
        ◘ Edouard et Caroline / USA: Edward and Caroline (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Casque d'Or / UK: Golden Helmet / USA: Golden Marie (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Rue de l'Estrapade / UK and USA: Françoise Steps Out (also co-dialogist)
        ◘ Touchez pas au Grisbi / Grisbi / UK: Hands Off the Loot / USA: Grisbi (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs / UK: Ali Baba / USA: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (also co-adapter)
        ◘ Les Aventures d'Arsène Lupin / Le avventure di Arsenio Lupin / USA: The Adventures of Ar­sene Lupin (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Montparnasse 19 / Gli amanti di Montparnasse / Montparnasse / UK: The Lovers of Montparnasse / USA: Modigliani of Montparnasse / US TV: Hero of Montmartre / Heroes in White (France / Italy)
1960 ◘ Le Trou / Il buco / UK: The Hole / USA: The Night Watch (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Becker, Jacques — (1906 1960)    Director and screenwriter. Jacques Becker was born into the world of the Parisian intellectual and artistic elite. His father was a Scotsman and his mother, a member of the French haute bourgeoisie. Becker was brought up in Paris,… …   Guide to cinema

  • Becker, Jacques — (1906 1960)    Director and screenwriter. Jacques Becker was born into the world of the Parisian intellectual and artistic elite. His father was a Scotsman and his mother, a member of the French haute bourgeoisie. Becker was brought up in Paris,… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Becker, Jacques — • БЕККЕ Р (Becker) Жак (15.9.1906 21.2.1960)    франц. режиссёр. В 1932 39 был ассистентом реж. Ж. Ренуара и вторым режиссёром при съёмке мн. его ф., в т. ч.: Булю, спасённый из воды , Мадам Бовари , Тони (Б. соавтор сц.), Загородная прогулка ,… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

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  • Becker — (Jacques) (1906 1960) cinéaste français: Casque d or (1952), Touchez pas au grisbi (1954) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jacques Becker — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Becker. Jacques Becker Données clés Naissance 15 septembre 1906 Paris, France Nationalité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jacques Becker — Infobox actor name = Jacques Becker birthdate = September 15, 1906 birthplace = Paris, France deathdate = February 21, 1960 deathplace = Paris, France othername = occupation = Screenwriter Film director yearsactive = 1935 1960 imdb id =… …   Wikipedia

  • Jacques Becker — (París, 15 de septiembre de 1906 París, 21 de febrero de 1960) fue un director de cine francés, autor de importantes clásicos como La evasión (Le Trou, 1960) o París, bajos fondos (Casque d or, 1952). Se casó con la actriz Françoise Fabian y fue… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jacques Becker — (* 15. September 1906 in Paris; † 21. Februar 1960 ebenda) war ein französischer Filmregisseur. Grab von Jacques Becker auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse in Paris 1928 traf Becker in den USA auf King Vidor …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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