Morlhon, Camille de

Morlhon, Camille de
(Louis Camille de La Valette de Morlhon / February 19, 1869, Paris, France - December 24, 1952, Paris, France)
   Born into an aristocratic family, he was the son of an industrialist. After the ruin and the death of his father, he became the general secretary of the Automobile Club de France (1895-1901) before authoring plays and directing revues and vaudevilles. A film director since 1908, he also wrote a French adaptation of Il tango dei trapassatti / Sous un Masque noir (Gustavo Zaremba de Jaracewski, Italy, 1921) and La preda / Folie d'Amour (Guglielmo Zorzi, Italy, 1922) and collaborated as a screenwriter with André Liabel (La Closerie des Genêts, four parts or six episodes, 1924), E.B. Donatien (Pierre et Jean, 1924; Princesse Lulu, co-screenwriter, 1925; Mon Curé chez les Riches, co-screenwriter, 1925; Mon Curé chez les Pauvres, co-screenwriter, 1926; Simone, seven parts, 1926; Miss Edith, Duchesse, as co-screenwriter, 1928) and Marco de Gastyne (Le Chimpanzé, medium-length, 1932). His directing career ended with the silent era. He still wrote a few radio plays before progressively fading into obscurity. After living several months cloistered in his apartment, he died at age eighty-three.
1908 ◘ L'Amour au Drapeau (short)
        ◘ Cœur de Femme / USA: A Woman's Heart (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Domestique malgré lui (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fille du Gardien de Phare / La Fille du Gardien (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Mademoiselle Faust (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Olivier Cromwell (short; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Pour l'Uniforme / USA: For the Sake of the Uni­form (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Quand l'Amour veut / USA: When Love Will (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Reflet vivant / UK: A Living Reflection (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Sur le Bord de l'Abîme (short)
        ◘ Un Bienfait n'est jamais perdu (short)
        ◘ Un Père irascible (short)
        ◘ Un Suiveur obstiné (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Ticgênant / USA: An Awkward Habit (short; also screenwriter)
1908 ◘ Oliver Twist (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Oncle Jo (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Orgueil d'un Père (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Petit Commis (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Pion (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Fiancé Courageux / Preuve de Bravoure (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Races d'Autrefois (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Sur la Piste (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Misérable (short; also screenwriter)
1909 ◘ A Bon Chat, bon Rat (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Bandits mondains (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Bedouallah Assassin (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Belle Niçoise (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Benvenuto Cellini (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Bidachou Facteur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Bidouillard Assassin (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Bon Patron / USA: The Good Boss / The Kind-Hearted Employer (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Bouquet de Violettes (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Brin de Muguet (short)
        ◘ La Conscience du Miséreux / Conscience de Mi­séreux / USA: The Beggar's Repentance (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Couronne (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Les Deux Pigeons / USA: The Two Pigeons (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Doublure (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Encrier perfectionné / USA: New Style Inkwell (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Fer à Cheval / USA: The Horseshoe (short, also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fiancée du Peintre (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Louquet, l'Homme au Masque de Fer (short)
        ◘ Gavroche / Cœur de Gavroche (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Gueuse (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Guy Homtel (short)
        ◘ Hercule au Régiment (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Mannequin (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Mater Dolorosa (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Miroir (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Monsieur Distrait (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Nous voulons un Valet de Chambre / USA: We Must Have a Butler (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Par l'Enfant (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Petite Policière / UK: The Girl Detective / USA:
        ◘ A Little Detective (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Petite Rosse / Petite Rosse / UK: A Tantalising Young Lady / USA: The Little Vixen (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Pour l'Honneur (short)
        ◘ La Récompense d'une bonne Action / La Rivale / La Conséquence d'une bonne Action / USA: Char­ity Rewarded (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Souvenez-vous en (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Subterfuge / USA: The Subterfuge (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Une Excursion incohérente / USA: A Panickly Picnic (short)
        ◘ Une Leçon de Charité / USA: A Good Lesson in Charity (short; also screenwriter)
1910 ◘ L'Amnésie / Une Amnésie (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Anneau d'Argent (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Cagliostro, Aventurier, Chimiste et Magicien / France and USA: Cagliostro (short)
        ◘ Le Fils du Pêcheur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fin de Lincoln (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Idylle du Peintre (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Jemmy / Jenny (short)
        ◘ Je veux mourir (short)
        ◘ La Lettre (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Madame du Barry (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Reine Margot (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Roman de l'Ecuyère / UK: A Story of Circus
        ◘ Life (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Savelli (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Soldat et Marquise (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Spectre du Passé (two-part short: "1830", "Second Empire")
        ◘ Les Trois Voleurs (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Cœur d'Or (eighteen-scene short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Episode en 1812 (fourteen-scene short: "Les Fiançailles de Jean Gratien et Lise Mo­rand", "Jean est appelé sous les Armes", "Le Départ", "Le Passage de la Bérézina après la Retraite de Moscou", "Le Drapeau français est pris par l'Ennemi", "Par un Acte d'Héroïsme, Jean reprend Possession de nos Couleurs", "Mais il est blessé à mort", "Na­poléon franchissant l'Endroit est vu et re­connu par Jean", "Jean donne le Drapeau à l'Empereur", "La Douleur de Napoléon", "La Légion d'Honneur à Jean", "Avant de mourir, Jean souhaite que la Médaille soit remise à sa Mère", "Napoléon à la Recherche de la Mère de Jean pour s'acquitter de sa Dette", "La Douleur de la mère de Jean et celle de Lise. La Contrition de Napoléon pour son Rôle exigé par la Guerre"; co-director with Ferdinand Zecca; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Une Aventure secrète de Marie-Antoinette / Une Aventure de Marie-Antoinette (short; also screenwriter)
1911 ◘ Le Baume miraculeux / Soeur simplette (short; also screenwriter, producer)
        ◘ L'Accord parfait (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fillette et la Poupée (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Héroique Amour (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Histoire d'une Rose / Les Trois Roses (seven­teen scenes; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Légende du vieux Sonneur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Madame Tallien (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Marchande de Roses (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Mémoire du Cœur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Mendiant d'Amour (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Noël du Chemineau (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Otage (short; also screenwriter; shot in 191I-1912)
        ◘ Laillasse (short)
        ◘ Radgrune (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Rançon du Roi Jean (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Ruse du petit Ramoneur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Sémiramis (ten-scene short: "Le Roi Ninus frappé de la Beauté de la Bergère Sémiramis l'emmène dans son Palais", "Mariage de Sémi-ramis et du Roi Ninus", "Ambitieuse et voulant rester Maîtresse de l'Empire, la nouvelle Re­ine de Babylone conspire et prépare la Mort du Roi", "Le Régicide", "Après la Mort du Roi, Sémiramis calme la Colère du Peuple par son Audace et sa Beauté", "La Déclaration de Guerre", "Grande Reine, l'Arabie se soulève et marche contre ton Empire", "Sémiramis célèbre sa Victoire par des Réjouissances dans les Jardins suspendus de Babylone", "Sémira-mis meurt après un Règne glorieux et, selon la Légende, est portée au Ciel par des Co­lombes", "La Fin de Babylone. Après la Mort de Sémiramis, la luxurieuse Cité est détruite par les Barbares"; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Une Conspiration sous Henri III / USA: An Epi­sode Under Henri III (short)
        ◘ Une Intrigue à la Cour d'Henry VIII (short; also screenwriter)
1912 ◘ L'Affaire du Collier de la Reine / Le Collier de la Reine (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Ambitieuse (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Auberge rouge (short)
        ◘ La Belle Princesse et le Marchand / Le Beau Marchand et la belle Princesse / La Belle Prin­cesse / La Belle Princesse et le beau Marchand / USA: The Princess and the Merchant (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Britannicus (two parts; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Cireurs obstinés / Cirer Monsieur / Cireur obstiné (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Dévouement d'une Soeur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ En Mission (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Epreuve (also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fiancée du Spahi / L'Ouled Nail / USA: The Spanish Fiancée (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Fils prodigue / Le Prodigue (three-part short: "La Fête", "L'expiation", "La Réhabilitation"; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Gorgibus et Sganarelle (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Haine de Fatimeh: Episode des Massacres de Syrie / La Haine de Nadia (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Les Mains d'Yvonne (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Polyeucte (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Pour voir les Mouquères (short)
        ◘ La Prière de l'Enfant (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Serment de Fumeur (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Testament de l'Oncle Anselme (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Un Mariage sous Louis XV (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Vengeance kabyle / USA: The Vengeance of a Kabyle (short; also screenwriter)
1913 ◘ Anne de Boleyn / Une Intrigue à la Cour d'Henry VIII (short)
        ◘ La Broyeuse de Cœurs / Charmeuse / USA: A Thief of Hearts (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Don Quichotte (short; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ L'Escarpolette tragique (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fleuriste de Toneso / Les Fleurs de Toneso / Malvina (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Secret de l'Orpheline / Morin Père et Fils (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Usurier (short; also screenwriter)
1914 ◘ La Dette de l'Aventurière / L'Espionne (short; also screenwriter; unreleased because of World War I)
        ◘ L'Infamie d'un Autre / Double Face (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Roman du Tzigane (short; also screenwriter; unreleased)
        ◘ Sacrifice surhumain (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Une Brute humaine / La Brute humaine (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Vieillesse du Père Moreux / La Vieillesse du
        ◘ Père Maria (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Vingt Ans de Haine (short; also screenwriter; shot at the same time as La Vieillesse du Père Moreux)
1915 ◘ Le Faux Père (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Petite Marchande de Fleurs / Une Erreur tragique (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Sous l'Uniforme / L'Intrus / Sous l'Epaulette (short; also screenwriter, adapter)
1916 ◘ Calomnie / L'Américaine (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Cœur de Gavroche (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Les Effluves funestes / Le Rayon mystérieux (also screenwriter)
        ◘ La Fille d'Artiste (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Secret de Geneviève (also screenwriter)
        ◘ Marise (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Miséricorde / La Madeleine (also screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Orage / La Bourrasque (also screenwriter)
        ◘ Simone (four parts; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ Expiation / Le Marquis de Vilbois ou Le Baron de Vilbois (also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ L n'y a plus d'Enfants / Colette s'émancipe (two parts; also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ L'Ibis bleu (four parts; also screenwriter, adapter)
        ◘ L'Impasse / L'Impasse Messidor
        ◘ Fabienne (also screenwriter)
        ◘ Lille du Peuple (also screenwriter)
1921 ◘ Une Fleur dans les Ronces / USA: A Flower in the Brambles (also screenwriter)
        ◘ Tote (short)
        ◘ Les Vacances
1931 ◘ Roumanie, Terre d'Amour (shot in 1929)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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