Molinaro, Edouard

Molinaro, Edouard
(May 31, 1928, Bor­deaux, Gironde, France - )
   He filmed 16-mm amateur shorts in his adolescence. In 1949, he went to to Paris and entered films, serv­ing as an assistant director to André Berthomieu, Maurice de Canonge, and Jean Laviron. He made his directing debut shooting documentaries and industrial shorts. Other credits (as co-screenwriter, co-dialogist): 1958 Le Tombeur (also co-adapter, René Delacroix); (as co-adapter): 1984 La Tête dans le Sac (Gérard Lauzier); 1989 Mary de Cork (TV movie, Robin Davis); (as actor): 1960 Le Petit Jour (short, Jackie Pierre); 1961 La Morte Saison des Amours / USA: The Season of Love (Pierre Kast); 1963 Vacances portugaises / Les Egarements / Os sorrisos do destino (Pierre Kast, France / Portugal); 1992 Méchant Garçon (Charles Gassot); 2007 Mariage Surprise (TV movie, Arnaud Sélignac, France / Belgium). He also appeared as himself in TV documentaries (1974 Histoire du Cinéma français par ceux qui l'ont fait, Armand Panigel; 2002 Michel Audiard et Le Mystère du Triangle des Ber­mudes, François-Régis Jeanne, Stéphane Roux; 2003 Louis de Funès, la Comédie humaine, Philippe Azoulay; 2006 Publicité et Cinéma: Une Histoire de Famille, short, Etienne Labroue).
1953 ◘ Cheval d'Acier (short)
        ◘ Demain nous partirons (short)
        ◘ Maisons à la Chaîne (short)
        ◘ La Meilleure Part (short)
        ◘ La Pénicilline (short)
1954 ◘ L'Accumulateur au Plomb (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Chemins d'Avril (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Energie, à vos Ordres (short)
        ◘ Quai J4 (short)
1955 ◘ L'Honneur est sauf (short)
        ◘ Quatrième Voeu (short; also screenwriter)
1957 ◘ Les Biens de ce Monde (short; also screenwriter, commentary)
        ◘ La Mer remonte à Rouen (short)
1958 ◘ Le Dos au Mur / UK: Evidence in Concrete / USA: Back to the Wall
        ◘ Les Alchimistes (short; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Appelez le 17 (short; also cinematographer)
1959 ◘ Des Femmes disparaissent / UK and USA: The Road to Shame (also producer)
        ◘ Un Témoin dans la Ville / Appuntamento con il delitto / US TV: Witness in the City (also co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Une Fille pour l'Eté / Una ragazza per l'estate / UK: A Lover for the Summer / USA: A Mistress for the Summer (also co-dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Philippe (short)
        ◘ La Mort de Belle / UK: The End of Belle / USA: The Passion of Slow Fire
        ◘ Les Ennemis / UK: Touch of Treason / USA: A
        ◘ Touch of Treason (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, actor)
        ◘ Les Sept Péchés capitaux / I sette peccati capitali / UK: The Seven Capital Sins / USA: The Seven Deadly Sins (segment "L'Envie / Envy"; France / Italy)
        ◘ Arsène Lupin contre Arsène Lupin / Arsenio Lupin contro Arsenio Lupin (also co-screenwriter; France / Italy)
1964 ◘ Une Ravissante Idiote / Un adorabile idiota / UK: The Ravishing Idiot / USA: Agent 38-24-36 (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ La Chasse à l'Homme / Caccia al maschio / UK: The Gentle Art of Seduction / USA: Male Hunt (also actor; France / Italy)
1965 ◘ Quand passent les Faisans (also actor)
1967 ◘ Peau d'Espion / Congiura di spie / Der grausame Job / UK and USA: To Commit a Murder (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy / West Germany)
        ◘ Oscar (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1969 ◘ Hibernatus / Louis de Funes e il nonno surgelato (co-director with Pierre Cosson; France / Italy)
        ◘ Mon Oncle Benjamin / Mio zio Beniamino / UK: The Adventures of Uncle Benjamin / USA: My Uncle Benjamin (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ La Liberté en Croupe (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Les Aveux les plus doux / Ricatto di un commis-sario di polizia a un giovane indiziato di reato (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ La Mandarine / La mandarina (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / Italy)
        ◘ Le Gang des Otages / Quelli della banda Beretta (France / Italy)
        ◘ L'Emmerdeur / Il rompiballe / UK and USA: A Pain in the A . . . (also actor; France / Italy)
        ◘ L'Ironie du Sort (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Le Téléphone rose / UK and USA: The Pink Telephone
        ◘ Dracula, Père et Fils / USA: Dracula and Son (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
        ◘ L'Homme pressé / L'ultimo giorno d'amore / UK: The Hurried Man (France / Italy)
        ◘ La Cage aux Folles / Il vizietto / UK and USA:
        ◘ Birds of a Feather (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Italy)
        ◘ Cause toujours, tu m'intéresses!
        ◘ Les Séducteurs / Seduttori della domenica: Sun­day Lovers (segment "La Méthode française" / "The French Method"; France / Italy)
        ◘ La Cage aux Folles 2 / Il vizietto II (France / Italy)
1982 ◘ Pour Cent Briques, t'as plus rien . . . (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, actor)
        ◘ Just the Way You Are (USA; shot in 1982-1983)
        ◘ Palace / Die Dame vom Palast Hotel (France / West Germany; shot in 1982-1983)
        ◘ L'Amour en Douce
1988 ◘ A Gauche en sortant de l'Ascenseur 1991 Das Schicksal des freiern von Leisenbohg / L'Amour maudit de Leisenbohg (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; Germany / France)
1992 ◘ Le Souper (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1996 ◘ Beaumarchais, l'Insolent / USA: Beaumarchais the Scoundrel (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
2008 ◘ Scénarios contre les Discriminations (shorts; segment "Dirty Slapping")
 Television Filmography
1974 ◘ Histoires insolites (episode "Un Jour comme les autres avec des Cacahuètes"; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1978 ◘ Claudine à l'Ecole
        ◘ Madame le Juge (episode "Le Dossier Fran­çoise Muller")
        ◘ Claudine à Paris Claudine en ménage Claudine s'en va
        ◘ L'était un Musicien (episode "Monsieur Strauss"; also screenwriter, dialogist)
1981 ◘ Au Bon Beurre 1983 La Veuve rouge
1986 ◘ Un Métier du Seigneur / Der Verràter (France / West Germany)
        ◘ Le Tiroir secret (6 X 52'; co-director with Mi­chel Boisrond, Roger Gillioz, Nadine Trintig-nant; France / Belgium / Italy / Switzerland / West Germany)
1988 ◘ Coup de Foudre (27 X 20'; co-director with Claude Boissol, Michel Legrand; France / Italy / UK / Spain / Portugal / Switzerland)
        ◘ La Ruelle au Clair de Lune (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
1989 ◘ Manon Roland (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / Belgium / Canada)
        ◘ L'Ivresse de la Métamorphose / Rausch der Verwandlung (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist; France / West Germany)
        ◘ Les Grandes Familles (TV miniseries; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Belgium / Switzerland)
1990 ◘ Le Gorille / Il Gorilla (episode "La Peau du Gorille"; France / Italy / Germany)
1992 ◘ La Femme abandonnée (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
        ◘ Coup de Foudre (episodes "Résurgence", "Grand, beau et brun"; France / Italy / UK / Spain / Portugal / Switzerland)
1995 ◘ Ce que savait Maisie (also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
1998 ◘ H (episodes "No Clowning", "L'Anniversaire", "Trop moche pour être belle", "Un Manu­scrit", "Une Vie de Chien", "Un Mensonge", "Un Meilleur Copain", "Un Flacon rouge", "Une Thérapie de Couple", "Une Histoire de Professeurs", "Une Histoire de Héros", "Un Coup de Froid", "Une Promesse")
1999 ◘ Nora (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
        ◘ Tombé du Nid
        ◘ H (episode "Une Histoire de Mari")
2001 ◘ Nana (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
2003 ◘ Un Homme par Hasard (France / Belgium)
2005 ◘ Une Famille pas comme les Autres
        ◘ Navarro (episodes "Double Meurtre", "Ma­nipulation")
        ◘ Les Hommes de Cœur (episodes "Double Meurtre", "Le Mal du Pays")
        ◘ Le Tuteur (episode "Mariage blanc")
2006 ◘ Les Hommes de Cœur (episode "Nawin")
        ◘ Le Tuteur (episodes "Mère à 14 Ans", "Mission accomplie")
2008 ◘ Le Tuteur (episodes "Le Clandestin", "Le Poids du Secret")

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Molinaro, Edouard — (1928 )    Director and screenwriter. Edouard Molinaro began his filmmaking career in the 1950s. A contemporary of the directors of the Nouvelle Vague or New Wave, Molinaro seemed little influenced by the aesthetics and poetics of these directors …   Guide to cinema

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