Barzman, Paolo

Barzman, Paolo
(May 9, 1957-)
   The son of blacklisted screenwriter Ben (1911-1989) and Nora Barzman (b. 1920), he became Jean Renoir's secretary at age eighteen. After studying at the UCLA film school for two years, he entered films as an as­sistant director (1983 Le Prix du Danger, Yves Boisset; 1985 Code Name: Emerald / TV: Deep Cover, Jonathan Sanger, USA; 1987 Un Homme amoureux / Un uomo innamorato / USA: A Man in Love, Diane Kurys, France / Italy). He is mostly a TV director. Other credit (as second unit director): 2006 10.5: Apocalypse (John Lafia, USA).
1994 ◘ Time Is Money (also co-screenwriter; shot in 1992)
 Television Filmography
        ◘ The Saint:The Big Bang (Canada / France / UK)
        ◘ Diamonds (episode "Death Kiss"; Canada)
        ◘ Bordertown / Les Deux font la Loi (episode "The Fourth Estate"; USA / Canada / France)
        ◘ Bordertown / Les Deux font la loi (episode "In Cold Blood"; USA / Canada / France)
        ◘ For Better and for Worse / R.S.V.P (USA / France / Canada / Belgium)
        ◘ Highlander: The Series / Highlander (episode "Blackmail"; Canada / France)
        ◘ Lonesome Dove: The Series (episode "Ties That Bind"; Canada / USA)
        ◘ Highlander: Series / Highlander (episodes "They Also Serve", "Song of the Executioner", "Star-Crossed", "Take Back the Night", "Chivalry"; Canada / France)
        ◘ Coeurs Caraïbes (4 X 90')
1996 ◘ Aventures Caraïbes / Models in Paradise—Season II (4 X 90')
        ◘ Cancoon (episodes "L'Homme de la Médina", "Le Secret des Touaregs", "Xtabaï", "La Reine Serpent")
        ◘ Highlander: The Series / Highlander (episodes "The Blitz", "Promises"; Canada / France)
1997 ◘ Ciel d'Orage
1999 ◘ Dossiers: Disparus (episode "Elodie")
        ◘ Les Montagnes bleues (also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Relic Hunter / Sydney Fox, l'Aventurière / Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin (episode "The Book of Love"; Canada / USA / France / Germany)
2000 ◘ Relic Hunter / Sydney Fox, l'Aventurière / Relic
        ◘ Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin (episodes "Irish Crown Affair", "Nine Lives", "A Good Year", "Memories of Montmartre"; Canada / USA / Germany)
        ◘ Un Enfant, un Secret (Canada / France)
        ◘ Queen of Swords / Tessa, à la Pointe de l'Epée / Reina de espadas (episode "Fever"; UK / Canada / USA / France / Spain)
2001 ◘ Mary Higgins Clark's You Belong to Me / Mary Higgings Clark's: Tu m'appartiens; Canada)
        ◘ Relic Hunter / Sydney Fox, l'Aventurière / Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin (episodes "Out of the Past", "Run Sydney Run", "French Connection", "The Executioner's Mask", "Set in Stone"; Canada / USA / Germany)
        ◘ Largo Winch / Largo Winch—Gefahrliches Erbe (TV series; co-director only; Canada)
        ◘ Queen of Swords / Tessa, à la Pointe de l'Epée / Reina de espadas (episodes "The Hanged Man", "The Return", "Takes a Thief"; UK / Canada / France / Spain)
2002 ◘ Mary Higgins Clark's All Around the Town / All Around the Town / Nous n'irons plus au Bois (Canada / USA / France / Germany)
        ◘ Relic Hunter / Sydney Fox, l'Aventurière / Relic Hunter—Die Schatzjagerin (episode "Arthur's Cross"; Canada / USA / Germany)
        ◘ 15 / Love (episodes "Renewal", "Studentia Jockulus", "Scourge of the Frankenrival", "Mixed-Up Doubles"; Canada / France)
        ◘ Léa Parker (episodes "Manipulations", "Con­trefaçon")
        ◘ 15 / Love (episode "Curve Balls: Part I", Canada / France)
2007 ◘ The Dead Zone / Stephen King's Dead Zone (episode "Switch"; Canada)
        ◘ Emotional Arithmetic (also executive producer; Canada)
        ◘ Grand Star / La Compagnie des Glaces (twenty-six episodes; also screenwriter of the sixth episode; Canada / France)
2008 ◘ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Canada)
        ◘ 15 / Love (episodes "The Princess and the Clown", "Midnight Snack Club", "The French Deception", "Reckoning"; Canada / France)
        ◘ The Last Templar (TV miniseries)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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