- Mariaud, Maurice
- (1875, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France - 1958, France)He entered films as an actor (1911 Le Trésor / Le Bas de Laine, short, Louis Feuillade; 1912 La Gloire et la Douleur de Ludwig van Beethoven, short, Georges-André Lacroix; La Flétrissure, short, Georges-André Lacroix; 1913 La Mort de Lucrèce / UK: The Death of Lucrece / USA: The Honor of Lucrece, short, Louis Feuillade; Frères ennemis, short, Henri Pouctal; Le Guet-Apens, short, Louis Feuillade; 1918 L'Âme de Pierre, Charles Burguet; 1922 La Terre du Diable, Luitz-Morat; 1925 Jean Chouan, Luitz-Morat) and made his directing debut with Gaumont. He worked for other French production companies (Le Film d'Art, Louis Nalpas) before signing a contract for five years with Portuguese producer Raul de Caldevilla, the founder of Caldevilla Films, and going to Portugal, where he shot several movies. In 1923, Caldevilla Films was taken over by another society, Patria Films, for which he shot a comedy. After directing two French motion pictures, he filmed his last picture in Portugal. Other credit (as screenwriter): 1918 La Flamme (Gaston Leprieur).Filmography◘ Okoma San (short)◘ Au Pays des Lits clos (short)◘ L'Aveugle (short)◘ Le Baiser rouge (unconfirmed; movie directed by Maurice Mariaud or Georges-André Lacroix)◘ L'Homme qui vola (short; unconfirmed; movie directed by Maurice Mariaud or Georges-André Lacroix)◘ Le Musicien (short)◘ Un Scandale au Village (short; co-director with Louis Feuillade)1914 ◘ L'Amour qui sauve (short)◘ Les Donataires (short)◘ L'Etau (also actor)◘ Guignol (also actor)◘ L'Heure de la Douleur (short)◘ La Main de l'Autre (short)◘ L'Oiseau blessé (unconfirmed; movie directed by Maurice Mariaud, Georges-André Lacroix, or Léonce Perret)◘ La Peste noire (short)◘ Le Petit Clairon (short)◘ Madame Corentine (short)◘ L'Arme du Crocodile (short)◘ L'Aventurier (short)◘ Le Crépuscule du Cœur / USA: The Twilight of the◘ Heart (three parts; also screenwriter, actor)◘ Les Dames de Croix-Mort (four parts)◘ La Danseuse voilée (also screenwriter)◘ Nemrod et Cie (short)◘ La Marche triomphale (short)◘ Le Roi de l'Etain (short)1917 ◘ L'Epave (two parts)◘ Les Mouettes (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ Le Nocturne à la Poupée (also screenwriter, actor)◘ L'Habit de Béranger (short)◘ Le Calice◘ La Calomnie◘ Quand la Raison d'en va (short; also actor)1920 ◘ L'Etau (also screenwriter, actor)◘ Tristan et Yseut◘ L'Idole brisée◘ L'Homme et la Poupée / USA: The Man and the Puppet◘ Os Faroleiros / O Faroleiro da Torre (also screenwriter, actor; Portugal)◘ O Fado (short; Portugal)◘ Aventurier (co-director with Louis Osmont)◘ La Goutte de Sang / Du Sang dans les Ténèbres (co-director with Jean Epstein; Maurice Mari-aud completed the movie)◘ As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor (Portugal)1925 ◘ Mon Oncle (also screenwriter)1929 ◘ Le Secret du Cargo / FEnigme du Poignard (also co-screenwriter, actor)1931 ◘ Nua (Portugal)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.