- Machin, Alfred
- (April 20, 1877, Blendecques, Pas-de-Calais, Nord, France - June 16, 1929, Nices, Alpes-Maritimes, France)A photographer and reporter for L'Illustration, he was sent to Africa by Pathé Frères as a cameraman and director and directed his first movies in Africa. He founded for Pathé the Hollandische Film in Amsterdam in 191I and the Belge Film in Brussels, Belgium. He shot documentaries and comic shorts in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. During World War I, he was mobilized and filmed for Pathé the battles of the war and life in the trenches (1915-1917). After the war, Pathé asked him to manage the two Nice-based branches of the production company, Nizza and Comica, and then offered him the purchase of the studios. He agreed and created his own society that financed the animal comedies he directed. His younger son, Claude, and wife, former Belgian actress Germaine Lécuyer, sometimes played in these pictures. Wounded by a panther on the set, he never totally recovered his health, and he died of an embolism while planning another shooting.Filmography1908 ◘ Chasse à l'Hippopotame sur le Nil bleu (documentary; short)◘ Chasse à la Panthère (documentary; short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)1909 ◘ Coiffures et Types de Hollande (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ Enfants de Hollande / USA: Dutch Kids (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ En Hollande: Le Port de Volendam (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Fromage de Hollande (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Moulin maudit / UK: The Mill (short; also screenwriter)◘ Une Journée à l'île de Marken (documentary; short; also screenwriter)1910 ◘ La Catastrophe ferroviaire de Saujon (news short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Chasse à la Girafe dans l'Ouganda (documentary; short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Chasseurs d'Ivoire (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Les Chillouks, Tribu de l'Afrique Centrale / USA: The Chillouks (documentary; short; also co-screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ En Afrique Centrale, Fachoda (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ En Egypte: Elevage d'Autruches (documentary; shorts, two episodes; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Mœurs et Coutumes des Chillouks (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Mœurs et Coutumes sakalaves: Afrique Orientale Française (documentary; short; also co-screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Une Grande Chasse à l'Hippopotame sur le Haut Nil (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)1911 ◘ L'Aéroplane de Fouinard (short)◘ Babylas a hérité d'une Panthère / Babylas vient d'hériter d'une Panthère / USA: The Runaway Leopard (also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Babylas Explorateur (short; also screenwriter)◘ Babylas habite une Maison tranquille / Babylas habite une Maison bien tranquille (short; also screenwriter)◘ Chasse à l'Aigrette en Afrique (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Chasse aux Eléphants sur les Bords du Nyanza / USA: Elephant Hunting in Victoria Nyanza (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Chasse au Marabout en Abyssinie / USA: Hunting Party in Abyssinia (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ La Cherté des Vivres (short; unconfirmed)◘ Le Cinéma en Afrique (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Comment Fouinard devint Champion (short; unconfirmed)◘ Comment une Lettre nous parvient des grands Lacs de l'Afrique Centrale / USA: How a Letter Travels from the Great Lakes of Central Africa (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Dévouement d'un Gosse (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Effroyable Châtiment de Yann le Troubadour / USA: Yann, the Troubadour (short; also screenwriter)◘ Fouinard est joyeux (short; unconfirmed)◘ Fouinard fait des Conquêtes (short; unconfirmed)◘ Little Moritz chasse les grands Fauves (short; also screenwriter)◘ Little Moritz, Soldat d'Afrique (short)◘ Madame Babylas aime les Animaux / USA: Mrs. Pussy Loves Animals (short; also screenwriter)◘ Les Oiseaux d'Afrique et les Ennemis / USA: African Birds and Their Enemies (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Farfum troublant (short; unconfirmed)◘ Soyez donc charitables (short; unconfirmed)1912 ◘ Babylas va se marier (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Caire et ses Environs (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ La Chasse aux Singes (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Le Dévouement du Berger Johannes (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Dramatique Passion d'Algabert et Elisabeth de Rodemburg / USA: The Love of Algabert and Elizabeth (short)◘ La Fleur sanglante / La Rose sanglante (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Fluide de Fouinard (short; unconfirmed)◘ Fouinard n'est pas Syndicaliste (short; unconfirmed)◘ Fouinard va dans le Monde (short; unconfirmed)◘ La Grotte des Supplices (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Histoire de Mina Claersens / Histoire de Mimi Pinson / De Legende van Minna Claessens (short; also screenwriter)◘ L'Histoire d'un petit Gars (short; also screenwriter)◘ Joachim Goëthal et le Secret de l'Acier / Het Geheim van het Staal (short; France / Netherlands)◘ Obsèques solennelles de la Comtesse de Flandres, Mère du Roi Albert 1er (news short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ La Peinture et les Cochons (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Premier Duel de Fouinard (short; unconfirmed)◘ Rastus a perdu son Eléphant / USA: Rastus Loses His Elephant (short; also screenwriter)◘ Les Rivaux d'Arnheim (short)◘ Un Episode de Waterloo / Een Episode van de slag bij Waterloo (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Het lijden van den Sheepsjongen / Le Calvaire du Mousse / UK: The Shipboy's Girl / USA: A Shipboy's Girl (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)◘ De ontsnapping Van Hugo De Groot uit het lo-evenstein / L'Evasion de Hugo De Groot (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)◘ De molens die juichen en weenen / Les Moulins chantent et pleurent / L'Âme des Moulins / USA: The Mills in Joy and Sorrow (short; Netherlands / France)◘ Her vervloetke Geld / L'Or qui brûle / UK: Arson At Sea / USA: Fire at Sea (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)◘ De strijd der geuzen / La Révolte des Gueux (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)◘ De verlatene pleegt verraad / La Tahison de l'Abandonnée (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)1913 ◘ L'Agent Rigolo et son Chien policier / Agent Rigolo en zijn politiehond (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Au Pays des vieux Temples égyptiens, Edfou et Konombo (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Au Ravissement des Dames / Au Bonheur des Dames (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Baiser de l'Empereur / De Kus van de Keiser (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Le Blanc-Seing / Het Blanket (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Les Bords de la Semoy (Ardennes blanches) / De Oevers van de Semois (documentary; short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Le Cow Boy John cherche un Engagement au Music-Hall (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Diamant noir / La Pie noire / De zwarte Diamant (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Les Grandes Manœuvres de l'Armée belge / Grote Maneuvers van het belgisch leger (news short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ L'Hallali (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le vais me faire raser / La Vengeance du Coiffeur (short; also screenwriter)◘ M. Bleulemeester Garde-Civique (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Ronde infernale / De helse Ronde (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Les Sabots de Madame Favart / De Muitjes van Madame Favart (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Saïda a enlevé le Manneken Pis / Saïda ontvoert Manneken Pis (short; also screenwriter France / Belgium)◘ Une Briquèterie Sakalave à Akavandra, Afrique Orientale Française (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ La Vie cosmopolite au Caire (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Les Vieilles Rues arabes du Caire (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ Voyage et grandes Chasses en Afrique / USA: Sport and Travel in Africa (documentary; short; also screenwriter, co-cinematographer)◘ De Medeminnaars / Les Frères ennemis (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)◘ De droppel Bloed / La Goutte de Sang (short; Netherlands / France)◘ Viss cherswraak / La Vengeance du Pécheur Willinck (short; also screenwriter; Netherlands / France)1914 ◘ La Fille de Delft / La Tulipe d'Or / Het meisje uit Delft / Het meisje uit de Bloemenvelden / UK: A Tragedy in the Clouds / Loyalty (short; also screenwriter; France / Belgium)◘ Hiver en Hollande (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ Maudite soit la Guerre (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Noël du Moussaillon / La Nuit de Noël (short; also screenwriter)◘ Les Porcelaines de Delft (documentary; short; also screenwriter)◘ La Traction canine dans l'Armée belge / Honden-trekkracht in het Belgisch leger (documentary; short; also screenwriter)1915 ◘ L'Armée française après Neuf Mois de Guerre (news short; documentary; also screenwriter)◘ L'Artillerie française sur le Front de Combat / L'Artillerie française sur le Front (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Autos-Canons sur le Front de Bataille (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Avec nos Soldats dans les Forêts d'Argonne (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Aviation au Front (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Chaque Jour l'Aviation fait de nouveaux Progrès (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Comment on nourrit nos Troupes au Front (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Dans les Tranchées de Notre-Dame-de-Lorette / Nos Poilus dans les Tranchées de Notre-Dame de Lorette et de Souchez (news short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Défilé de Pièces d'Artillerie de Marine tirées par des Bœufs (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Drapeau des Chasseurs en Artois (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ En Argonne après la Retraite des Barbares / Après la Retraite des Barbares (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ En Lorraine (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Entrevue des Ministres de la Guerre de France et de Grande-Bretagne: Les Généraux Joffre et French (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Général Joffre passé en Revue le 4ème Colonial (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Goumiers algériens en Belgique (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Grenadiers de 1915 (news short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ La Guerre moderne et scientifique, les Eclaireurs de l'Air / Les Eclaireurs de l'Air (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ La Guerre nocturne (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Monuments historiques d'Arras victimes de la Barbarie allemande (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Moral du Soldat après 305 Jours de Guerre / Après 305 Jours de Guerre—Le Moral du Soldat (news short, documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Nos Dragons de Lorraine (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Nos Sections de Mitrailleuse en Action / Nos Mitrailleuses en Action (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Nos Soldats à l'Embouchure de l'Yser (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Nos Troupes à Souchez (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Notre Artillerie en Argonne (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Notre Cavalerie d'Afrique au Front (news short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Fœuvre de la "Kultur" (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Remise de Décorations à un Groupe de Chasseurs alpins par le Général Joffre (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Sa Majesté George V en France / S.M. George V Roi d'Angleterre et Empereur des Indes en France (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Spahis au Nord d'Arras (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Sur le Front de Lorraine (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Sur les sommets d'Alsace (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Sur les sommets du Lingekopf et du vieil Armand (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Zouaves d'Afrique dans les Flandres belges (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)1916 ◘ L'Ambulance automobile chirurgicale / Service de Santé aux Armées: Evacuation des Blessés (news short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Après la dernière Attaque française de lHartmanvillers (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Artillerie et l'Aviation dans la Région de Verdun (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Autour de Verdun / Autour de la Bataille de Verdun (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ La Bataille dAvocourt (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Dans le Secteur de Loos repris par les Allemands (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Dans le Secteur de Saint-Mihiel (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Hartmannswillerkof (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Monuments historiques d'Arras, Victimes de la Barbarie allemande (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Obusier français de 370 / Notre Obusier de 370 M (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Les Pontonniers sur la Meuse (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Président de la République et les Présidents des Deux Chambres en Alsace / Le Président de la République à l'Armée d'Alsace (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Prince de Connaught au front d'Alsace / S.A.R. le Prince de Connaught décore sur le Front d'Alsace quelques-uns de nos Héros (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Secteur de Loos repris (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Sur le Front de Verdun (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)1917 ◘ Abris originaux de Soldats: le Printemps au Front (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Appareils de Motoculture (documentary; short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Armée anglaise au Front de Jonction de Vaux (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Au Parc de Réserve d'Artillerie / Au Parc de Réserve d'Artillerie du G.A.N. (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Construction de Ponts (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Coucy-le-Château (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Culture de la Terre par les Soldats (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Dans les Ruines reconquises (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Effets de Bombardements (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Engins de Tranchées (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Engins de Tranchées et Canons (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ En Pays reconquis. Explosion d'Obus (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Etat-Major du 33ème Corps (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Exercices d'Assaut: Canonniers (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Fabrication de Cidre (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Fêtes du 14 Juillet en Pays reconquis (two-episode news shorts, documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Film spécial pour M. Griffith (three-episode news shorts; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Forestiers canadiens (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Grenades, Signalisation (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Han, Nesle, Lassigny (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Mitrailleuses. Drapeau du 4ème Zouaves (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Montdidier: Télégraphe militaire (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ M. Poincaré visite Noyon (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Oeuvre américaine Miss Morgan (four parts news shorts; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Oeuvre des Pays libérés (Linge, Mobilier. Miss Morgan (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ L'Observatoire du Prince Eitel Frédéric (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Pays reconquis: Ercheu et Solente (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Premier Train à Noyon (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Président de la République du Portugal à Chauny, Ham, Nesle (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Président de la République portugaise à Verdun (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Prince de Connaught décore le Roi d'Italie à Noyon (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Reconstitution des Pays libérés (three-episode news shorts, documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Revue du 33ème Corps d'Armée (two-episode news shorts; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Ruines de Chauny (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Scierie dans la Forêt (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Scierie forestière (two-episode news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ La Section canine dans les Vosges (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Signalisation (two-episode news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Télégraphe aux Armées (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Le Théâtre aux Armées (two-episode news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Transport d'Engins de Tranchées (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Visite de M. Clémenceau à Noyon (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Visite présidentielle à Noyon. Dévastation des Pays libérés (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Suprême Sacrifice (five parts)◘ La Nuit agitée / Une Nuit agitée (short; co-director with Henry Wulschleger; also producer)◘ On attend Polochon (short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Serpentin a dressé Bouboule (short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Serpentin fait de la Peinture (short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Pervenche (co-director with Henry Wulsch-leger; also co-screenwriter, producer)◘ Bêtes . . . comme les Hommes! / UK: Animals as Stupid as Men / Animals Like Humans (short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Le Couronnement du Prince du Prince Louis II de Monaco (news short; documentary; also screenwriter, cinematographer)◘ Moi aussi, j'accuse (short; co-director with Henry Wulschleger; also screenwriter, producer)◘ L'Enigme du Mont Agel (also co-screenwriter, producer)◘ Le Cabinet de l'Homme noir (co-director with Henry Wulschleger)◘ Les Héritiers de l'Oncle James (co-director with Henry Wulschleger; also co-screenwriter, producer)1925 ◘ Le Cœur des Gueux (co-director with Henry Wulschleger; also co-screenwriter, producer)1927 ◘ Le Manoir de la Peur / USA: The Manor House of Fear (also producer; shot in 1924)◘ Fakirs, Fumistes et Cie (documentary; also screenwriter, producer)1928 ◘ Le Carnaval de Nice (documentary; also screenwriter)◘ De la Jungle à l'Ecran (also screenwriter)◘ L'Exposition philatélique internationale (documentary; also screenwriter)1929 ◘ Robinson Junior / Black and White (also screenwriter)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.