- Luitz-Morat
- (Maurice Radiguet / June 5, 1884, Geneva, Switzerland-August II, 1929, Paris, France)He gave up his studies in medicine to dedicate himself to the stage. From 1907 to 1913, he performed the classics, notably at the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre. In 1913, he married an actress, Madeleine Ramey, who introduced him to directors Louis Feuillade and Henri Fescourt. They hired him, and he played in about thirty films (from 1910 Le Secret du Corsaire rouge, Louis Feuillade, to 1927 La Petite Chocolatière, René Hervil). In 1914, he directed his first movie for Gaumont. During the shooting of La Vierge folle, he caught a cold and died at age fifty-four.Filmography1914 ◘ Le Coffre aux Diamants (short)1920 ◘ Sa Majesté le chauffeur de Taxi (short)◘ Rien à louer (short)◘ Les Cinq Gentlemen maudits (also producer, actor)◘ Le Petit Ange (co-director with Pierre Régnier; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Monsieur Lebureau (short; also producer)1922 ◘ La Terre du Diable (also co-screenwriter, producer)◘ Le Sang d'Allah / UK: The Blood of Allah (also co-screenwriter, producer)◘ Au Seuil du Harem◘ Petit Ange et son Pantin (also co-screenwriter, producer)◘ La Cité foudroyée / USA: The City Struck by Lightning◘ Surcouf (eight episodes: "Le Roi des Corsaires", "Les Pontons anglais", "Les Fian-cailles tragiques", "Un Cœur de Héros", "La Chasse à l'Homme", "La Lettre à Bonaparte", "La Morsure du Serpent", "La Réponse de Bonaparte")◘ La Course du Flambeau1926 ◘ Jean Chouan (eight chapters: "La Patrie en Danger", "La Bataille des Cœurs", "Sur le Pont de Pyrmil", "L'Otage", "La Citoyenne Maryse Fleurus", "Le Comité de Salut Public", "La Grotte aux Fées", "Les Soldats de France")◘ Le Juif errant (five chapters: "Prologue—Les Ardents", "Monsieur Rodin", "Carnaval", "Le Treize Février", "Le Justicier"; also screen- writer, adapter)1928 ◘ La Ronde infernale◘ Odette (shot in Berlin under the title Mein Leben fur das Deine; France / Germany)1929 ◘ La Vierge folle (also screenwriter, adapter)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.