- Baroncelli, Jacques de
- (Marquis Marie Joseph Henri Jacques de Baroncelli de Javon / June 25, 1881, Bouillargues, Gard, France - January 12, 1951, Paris, France)Born into an aristocratic family of Florentine origin, he started out as a journalist publishing in various weekly newspapers (L'Opinion, Le Monde illustré) before becoming chief editor of L'Eclair. A film director from 1915 to 1947, he also was a screenwriter (as Jacques de Javon) (1919 La Cigarette, Germaine Dulac; 1931 La Terreur des Batignolles, short, Henri-Georges Clouzot; Niebla, Benito Perojo, Spain; 1928 Minuit . .. Place Pigalle, René Hervil; 1933 Sahara, Terre féconde, documentary, Pierre Dufays; 1954 Bonnes à tuer / Quattro donne nella notte / USA: One Step to Eternity, also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, France / Italy) and art director (1929 La Tentation, René Barberis, René Leprince). He finished L'Honorable Catherine / USA: The Honorable Catherine (Marcel L'Herbier, 1943). His son, film critic Jean de Baroncelli (1914-1998), was married to actress Sophie Des-marets (b. 1922).Filmography1915 ◘ La Classe 1935 (short)◘ Lequel? (short)◘ La Maison de l'Espion (short; also original novel, screenwriter, adapter)◘ Un Signal dans la Nuit (short)1916 ◘ La Faute de Pierre Vaisy (as Jacques de Javon; also screenwriter)◘ Trois Filles en Portefeuille (short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Drame du Château de Saint-Privat (short)◘ Le Jugement de Salomon (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Main qui étreint / La Main qui prend (short)◘ Soupçon tragique (short; also screenwriter)◘ La Nouvelle Antigone◘ Le Suicide de Sir Leston (short)◘ Noël Cambrioleur (short)1917 ◘ L'Hallali◘ Une Mascotte (short)◘ Le Cas du Procureur Lesnin / Le Procureur Lesnin (short; as Jacques de Javon)◘ L'Inconnue (as Jacques de Javon; also screenwriter)◘ Une Vengeance (short)◘ La Revenante (also screenwriter)◘ Le Fils naturel◘ Les Trois KK (short)◘ Le Délai (as Jacques de Javon; also screenwriter)◘ Le Roi de la Mer / USA: The King of the Sea (also screenwriter)◘ Pile ou Face (short)1918 ◘ Le Retour aux Champs (also screenwriter)◘ Le Siège des Trois (also screenwriter)◘ Le Scandale (also screenwriter, adapter)1919 ◘ L'Héritage◘ Ramuntcho (short; also screenwriter, adapter)1920 ◘ La Rafale◘ Le Secret du "Lone Star"◘ Flipotte (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ La Rose (short)1921 ◘ Champi-Tortu (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ Le Rêve (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ Le Père Goriot (also screenwriter, adapter)1922 ◘ Amour / Liefde (also screenwriter; Belgium)◘ Roger la Honte (two episodes: "Roger-la-Honte", "Mère coupable"; also screenwriter, adapter)◘ La Robe (short)1923 ◘ Le Carillon de Minuit / De Beiaard van Middernacht / USA: The Midnight Chimes (France / Belgium)◘ La Femme inconnue◘ La Légende de Sœur Béatrix / USA: The Legend of Sister Beatrix (also screenwriter, adapter)1924 ◘ Nène (also screenwriter, adapter, producer)◘ Pêcheur d'Islande (also screenwriter, adapter, producer)◘ La Flambée des Rêves / Un Homme riche (also screenwriter)1925 ◘ Veille d'Armes (also screenwriter, adapter, producer)◘ Le Réveil (also producer)1927 ◘ Nitchevo, l'Agonie du Sous-Marin (also screenwriter, adapter, producer)◘ Leu! (also screenwriter)1928 ◘ Duel (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ Le Passager (also screenwriter, adapter)1929 ◘ La Femme et le Pantin◘ La Femme du Voisin (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ L'Arlésienne (also screenwriter, adapter)◘ Le Rêve◘ La Messe de Minuit / Vitrail (short)◘ Je serai seule dans la Nuit◘ Le Dernier Choc (also co-screenwriter)◘ Gitanes (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer)◘ L'Ami Fritz◘ Crainquebille◘ Le Calvaire de Cimiez (co-director with René Dallière)◘ Cessez le Feu Chansons de Paris1935 ◘ Aux Portes de Paris (finished by Charles Barrois)◘ Roi de Camargue◘ Michel Strogoff (French version of Richard Eich-berg's Der Kurier des Zaren; Germany / France)◘ Nitchevo (also co-screenwriter)◘ Feu! (also co-screenwriter)◘ Belle Etoile S.O.S. Sahara◘ Volpone (unfinished; Maurice Tourneur resumed the shooting and finished the movie)◘ L'Homme du Niger / USA: Forbidden Love◘ Le Pavillon brûle Ce n'est pas moi!◘ Soyez les Bienvenus (shot in 1940)◘ La Duchesse de Langeais / USA: Wicked Duchess Haut-le-Vent1943 ◘ Les Mystères de Paris1945 ◘ Fausse Alerte / USA: The French Way (also producer; shot in 1940)◘ Marie la Misère1946 ◘ Tant que je vivrai◘ La Rose de la Mer1948 ◘ Rocambole / Rocambole (two episodes: "Rocambole / Il ragno della metropoli", "La Revanche de Baccarat / La rivincita di Baccarat"; France / Italy; shot in 1946-1947)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.